@dailyprophet 1 July 2001
Stephen Cornfoot is Orpington’s son
Not just an assistant — here’s what we know.

Stephen Cornfoot is Orpington’s son
Not just an assistant — here’s what we know.
Congratulations, Mr Cornfoot! You’re going to be a very rich man. If you don’t go down for murder, of course.
Warded to Alexander Derrick
Thought you were going to use it for blackmail but I suppose this was the next best thing.
Warded to Sylvie Fawcett
That was rigged. Last time I do work for nothing.
Who: Hannah Abbott, Blaise Zabini
Where: 8 Hufflepuff Way
When: Morning
Hannah was sprawled rather comfortably across someone’s chest when she began to float towards consciousness. That wasn’t terribly strange, though. Just because she wasn’t much of one for lifelong commitments didn’t mean she booted men out of her bed or fled theirs immediately after sex. She liked to think the men she slept with were men that she at least liked enough to spend the night with. Just barely cracking her eye open proved that she was, in fact, in her own bed. Usually she wasn’t, but it wasn’t completely unheard of.
Sighing, she let her eye drift closed again. She hadn’t had any coffee yet and it was too early to contemplate the complexities of the morning after a one night stand right now. She’d think about it in an hour or two.
Let’s think about this for a second, people, okay? Yeah, Ste’s hair may have been on Orpington’s body, but he was also Orpington’s personal assistant. I’m pretty sure my hair could be found on Kirley any damn day of the week. That’s what happens when you’re in close proximity to someone all the time.
If any PA in this town was going to flip out and kill their boss, it would have been me. You should see how Kirley pouts when he runs out of hair product. You’d want to kill him, too.
Warded to Susan Bones
I So, Blaise and I Um How was your night with Grandpa Radford?
Warded to H98 sans Zach
What are we doing to celebrate the births of Suse and Megs, hmm?
Warded to Blaise Zabini
Should we talk about—
Barney is the best partner ever! Clearly I taught him well!
Read moreWarded to Daphne Greengrass
All right, she’s coming to mine. What should I be prepared for, and what happened exactly? I’m sure she’ll tell me her side, but more information never hurt anyone.
And I was so looking forward to some good sleep tonight after everything. Ugh! Why didn’t I stay at that stupid competition? I could have gone right to the WWN and had the news for them before anyone else. Of course then I would have had to talk to that idiot Derrick to get enough detail to run something worth running…
This is what one gets for trying to be a responsible employee and give oneself time to sleep off the alcohol.
Well, that was certainly unexpected.
Warded to Katie Bell
So, what are we going to do with the wine and chocolate and such in this basket we won?
Warded to Stephen Cornfoot
Hey so I don’t know if you remember when they announced that they found Orpington’s kid’s hair on his body and I said something about how probably that meant the kid was the killer. I guess probably you don’t remember but I just wanted to say, in case you did remember, that I didn’t really mean it. It was just big news, and I was surprised, and I was joking around. But it’s like Hannah Abbott said, there are other, better reasons your hair could’ve been on him.
So I just wanted to let you know that I don’t really think it was you pr—.
Warded to Felicity, Andrei, Ben & Louisa
shit I think my sister is snogging someone on my bed
I mean, my bed is her couch, so, that’s less weird than it sounds though. But now I don’t want to leave the kitchen.
Guys this is weird.
Warded to Astoria Greengrass
why are my books in your room
Warded to Ophelia Selwyn
May I come stay with you please? Daphne’s cross with me for absolutely no good reason and I just need to stay somewhere else for a bit. Just for a little while, until she changes her mind.
To: Susan Bones
From: Astoria Greengrass
Dear Susan,
I’m sorry but I don’t feel well and I can’t make it into work today. I hope Blodwyn can cover for me and hopefully I’ll be able to come in for my shift on Thursday. I’m sorry but I just can’t do it today.
Warded to Lavender Brown
So, seems like you know Stephen Cornfoot pretty well. Should I be assuming he’s not a murderer, then?
Glad you found yourself a partner. Surprised you didn’t win.
I’m starting to feel like work is blurring into real life. The last two months in Helga’s Hill have been uncannily like something out of Charmed Life. Indeed, it’s hard to say which is more thrilling. But as unexpected as Sunday’s revelations were, they’re nowhere near as interesting as the rumour currently going round the WWN offices at the moment. I can’t say too much, as it’s only a rumour, but if it turns out to be true then a lot of people are going to be very excited.
Including me. Salazar, I hope it’s true. I’m sure CeeCee DePlomb knows something about it, but she refused to be drawn out on the subject, the irritating bitch. It’s hard to believe I’ve been playing Violet for over two years now. It’s definitely time for a change. I just need an opportunity to come along, and this could be it.
To clarify, yes, I went to the Ministry for questioning yesterday. No, I wasn’t arrested, as was suggested to be when I went to Golden Apples this morning.
Warded to Lavender Brown
Lavender, I do apologise for the way that Sunday ended. I had no idea that anything so dramatic would happen. You were a wonderful dancer and I hope it didn’t spoil your night.
Well, if I couldn’t win, at least the prize went to a fellow rich person. Too bad I’ll have to knock one charity off my subscriptions this year, but whatever.
Read moreMy flatmate just left a wad of hair the size of a small kitten in the shower. He hasn’t even got that much hair.
Has he been saving it up, carefully, for this moment? Did he import it specially, like for decor? Maybe he thinks it gives the place a certain ambiance?
Read moreWarded to AJ, Katie, Barney, Heidi, Ben, Tamara & Wicks
What kind of birthday present do you suppose you can get for a friend that you’re annoyed at?
Warded to Friends of Fliss
Tomorrow is Fliss’ birthday, which I think is a fine occasion for a party. Of course, by a party I don’t mean alcohol and vomiting, but tea and cake and maybe some party games. The theme is Alice in Wonderland — costumes are welcome, as are themed food and activities. Come to my place any time after seven.
Warded to neighbours — Parvati, Wayne, Crispin
I’m having a party tomorrow for Fliss’ birthday. I don’t think we’ll be too loud, but I thought I’d warn you anyway. You are, of course, welcome to come if you’d like. It starts at 7.
To: Wayne Hopkins
From: Cynthia Hopkins
Wayne sweetie,
It was so nice to see you and Eloise last month. We all really should get together more often! We’ve been busy busy of course (the American tour was just wonderful, we’ll have to tell you all about it) and just when we thought things might slow down a bit — well I’m excited to tell you we have some big news! Now you mustn’t tell anyone just yet, but I know you don’t like surprises, so we thought we should tell you first — The Curl and the Flame is going to be a serial on the WWN! Your father and I are just thrilled at the idea of hearing it come to life, but we’re also feeling a little protective of our baby. But we decided we’d give it a chance, even if they have to make a lot of changes to put it on the air. Whatever happens, the important thing is that the fans are happy!
So that’s our news — how about you, dearie? Anything new to report? Work? Girls? Hope you’re well.
Mummy (and Dad)
Read moreWarded to H98
So wait, are we going to the beach today or just doing a barbecue? I couldn’t tell what we decided.
Warded to Zacharias Smith
Are you coming?
Happy birthday to my best friend (whose door I am standing outside of right now with cake and pressies, so she’d better open up)!!
But honestly, everyone, Susan Bones is a better person than all the rest of us combined. Try to do a good deed today in her honor or something.
Read moreTo: Susan Bones
From: Daisy Radford, Henry Radford
Dear Susan,
Happy birthday. We’re so happy to have met you.
Please let us take you out to dinner one night to celebrate.
Daisy & Henry
Does anyone know of a cruelty-free way to get rid of a boggart?
Warded to Sisters Vane
You might want to stay out of the linen closet on the second floor until further notice!
Warded to Daphne Greengrass
I know I’ve left a few things behind but I can come collect them once I am permanently settled elsewhere. Or you can always send them to Mum & Dad if you must get them out of your way. I would hate to further infringe upon your space.
I’ve been staying with Ophelia but her couch is horrible and lumpy and she won’t let me share with her I don’t want to overstay my welcome so I’m going to Sabina’s next. In case you need to reach me.
Reasons to go home:
Bonko will take care of me
Won’t run into Daphne around town
Can quit job… and I don’t know…
Reasons to stay:
Ophelia & Sabina nearby
Daphne nearby if she is nice to me again
Sort of like job sometimes
Will have no one to talk to but Mum and Dad and Bonko and nothing to talk about at all ever and will die of boredom and desolation
To: Sabina Capper
From: Astoria Greengrass
I’m afraid I’ve overstayed
Ophelia has been so sweet to take me in, but
I’ve been staying with Ophelia for a while but can I come stay with you? Her place is so small.
It’d just be for a few days. I’ll bring you some samples from Heaven Scent…
Is that OK?
To: Cary Robards
From: Astoria Greengrass
Dear Cary,
Would you be offended if I confessed I’m writing you out of sheer boredom? Because I am. But you should be flattered that you’re the person one of the people I chose to relieve my boredom with.
I’m at a tea shop writing letters in an effort to get away from give my flatmate some space. Daphne and I decided we make better sisters than flatmates so I’m staying with a friend for a while, but her flat is just teensy, so I’m trying to be anywhere but there. I can’t believe she used to share it with her fiance. Did you know that, that she shared with her fiance? Not only would I never move in with a man before our wedding, but I would certainly never move in with someone who couldn’t at least offer me my own separate sitting room. And powder room. And closet. There is such a thing of seeing too much of someone, even if you’re meant to be in love.
Anyway, I’m leaving here soon.
How’s Diagon? Perhaps I ought to move there? Only, I don’t think my parents would want me to be anywhere wholly on my own. They only agreed to Helga’s Hill because my sister was here, too…
Write me back something interesting, please. I need it.
Astoria Greengrass
Who: Tamara Crumb, Felicity Eastchurch
Where: The Fat Fryer
When: Lunchtime
Felicity had had a very, very late night on Sunday evening when what she’d thought was going to be a routine physical training had turned out to be an unexpected exam on stamina, quick-thinking, and crisis mediation. As such, the trainees had been told to take the morning off and come in for some hard work around two. She’d woken up feeling hungover even though she hadn’t had anything to drink and decided that a nice basket of fish ‘n chips would be just the thing to replace all the calories she’d burned the night before.
There were plenty of people milling about the shop by the time Fliss made it to the front of the queue to order. “Morning, Tam,” she said with a smile. “Surviving?”
I heard there was another fire? At the Fat Fryer? What’s going on? I don’t trust the outside world when it comes to Helga’s Hill rumours.
Read moreBob wants you all to know he didn’t start the fire at the Fat Fryer today and that they’ll be closed for a few days while clean up and repairs go on.
Warded to Fliss
I don’t remember if I said it earlier now it’s all sort of muddl, but thank you for saving my life keeping me from getting burnt up earlier.
Warded to Gryffindors ’00, Wicks, Issy, Louisa
Okay, I know I sort of disappeared there for a few years, but when did Fliss Eastchurch become a total badarse? And how dd I not know this about her?
What a weekend.
First, the good — Megan and Susan’s birthday beach barbecue! Lovely people, lovely weather, lovely food. Even Zacharias failed to say anything idiotic.
Second, the bad — a crapstorm at work on a Sunday night, due to unnamed actor #1 threatening to go public with unnamed actor #2’s shenanigans, the most egregious of which was that actor #2 was not a real redhead, which would supposedly make her ineligible for the choice role in Curl and Flame. Actor #2 counter-threatened by revealing actor #1’s real age. It took hours to make them both act like adults. People were hexed. Memories were wiped. Owls were intercepted.
And now it’s Monday morning and we’ve been inundated with requests for representation. Yay, business?
Warded to Sasha Capper
I know I haven’t been at work long but what’s the social scene like? Do after-work drinks exist?
Warded to Lavender Brown
Did I see Stephen Cornfoot leave our flat this morning or was it a trick of the light?
Hope you had a great time at your party, Fliss. Many thanks to Louisa for organising it. I didn’t know someone else was also going as the Hatter or I would have picked another character. Ah well.
Honestly I don’t blame anyone for not trying the tea that came from the tea-pouring trick, down one sleeve and out the other, but it was perfectly safe, and no, it was not scalding my arms, Andrei. Dad stitched all the charms into the jacket for me after I asked him how I would go about doing it and he lost patience explaining. Five different charms working in unison! Merlin.
And I apologise that the tea that came with the other trick, pouring tea out of a teapot complete with cup and saucer, tasted too much like porcelain, but I’m sure I can perfect that later.
Happy birthday!
Read moreI’d just like to say a big thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Saturday! I had a lovely time at the beach, and the barbecue was a perfect way to finish the day. (There’s something so summery about the smell of smoke caught in your hair and clothes.) And, of course, thanks for my presents! The chocolates are all gone (already, I know! I’m terrible, sorry) but my new cauldron and measuring scales have pride of place in my workroom, and I know they’ll last me for years to come. There’s a big batch of after-sun lotion simmering away at the moment — I have a feeling we’ll all be needing more of that in the weeks to come, with this hot weather set to continue. (Although I would much prefer it if people didn’t get burnt, obviously. But the after-sun works as a normal moisturiser too, so by all means slather it on after a day in the sun if you’re feeling a bit hot and bothered.)
Oh, and if you did a good deed as per Hannah’s suggestion, then well done and thank you! You should feel proud of yourself.
Read moreTo: Lavender Brown
From: Stephen Cornfoot, c/o Whoops-A-Daisy
Thinking of you. — Stephen
I had the most beautiful flowers delivered to me at work today. A certain someone is the absolute sweetest!
I hope everyone else is having a wonderful day!
Read moreUp in flames — another fire in Helga’s Hill
The DMLE announces that the fires are now officially being investigated as arson
Higher Grounds will be closed until further notice. For once, I’m speechless and I’m not quite sure what I’m supposed to do now.
I suppose I need somewhere to stay? And clothes. And to stop shaking.
Read moreAnother day, another fire in Helga’s Hill.
Seriously though, I’m getting pissed off with this so-called serial arsonist. Not because I got burnt helping to put out the one at Higher Grounds today, but because it’s a really dick move to pull.
Whoever you are, grow up and get some perspective before someone gets seriously hurt.
Read moreHow come the person setting the fires hates food so much?
Read moreIt’s been a while since the Prophet speculated about anyone new being the notorious Helga’s Hill murderer. I do hope they’re OK down there and haven’t been affected by the Scrofungulus bug going around London. I might have to send them a ‘get well soon’ basket.
Read moreIs Serial Arsonist in Helga’s Hill Also Orpington’s Killer?
Arson? Arson now? Really? Who is this miscreant? Fuck Azkaban, once we find out who you are we are going to string you up in the town square and beat you with sticks.
Anyone who has been displaced by the fire is welcome to reside at Smith Manor while their homes are being restored. As for loss of income from commercial properties, sorry, unfortunately I can’t help you there.
Read moreThe damage to Higher Grounds (and our flat) is pretty serious, so I’m very sad to say that we will be closed for a while. We lost basically everything in the coffee shop, but I just want to assure our lovely loyal customers that we will be back in business as soon as we possibly can, though there’s all sorts of things to do with insurance and builders and inspections before that will happen. We love Helga’s Hill and want Higher Grounds to come back even better than before.
My parents are going to go and stay with my brother Alistair in London, but I’ll be staying in Helga’s Hill for the time being.
Warded to Zacharias Smith
Thank you so much for letting us stay at Smith Manor last night. We’re not going to impose on your hospitality, though, but we’re so very grateful. I’ve made arrangements to stay with Audrey and the Singhs, so I’ll still be in Helga’s Hill and maybe I could thank you properly by taking you out for a drink or something sometime if you want. (But it’s okay if you don’t want to. Normally I’d offer some sort of cake but obviously I don’t have a kitchen right now.)
Warded to Audrey Singh
Are you absolutely completely sure that it’s okay for me to stay with you? I know I’m writing this sitting in your bedroom, but you know I don’t want to get in your way, especially after the Jewel had its own trouble with this stupid arsonist.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
I know that you are probably really busy at work, but I was wondering if you would like to go shopping with me sometime because a lot of my clothes were damaged by smoke and I even lost a few of my favourite things. You always look so lovely, so I thought you might be a good person to go shopping with!
I just want to warn anyone not to worry about the tail I’m currently sporting. Side effect of the job, and it’ll fall off soon enough. I’m just going to enjoy it while I have it.
By the way, arson? Couldn’t you come up with something that I’m not scared a little more creative?
Warded to Eloise Midgen
Just to warn you, I came home at lunch to test out some sprinkler charms in case we’re targeted. I think I dried everything but just in case I missed something and it’s still damp, that’s why. At least we’ll be safe in a worst case scenario, because they’ll come on automatically when they sense smoke.
Also, staying late at the office and then going out. Don’t wait up for me.
Warded to Louisa Macnair
Everybody’s fighting and I
Let’s get out of Arsontown and go pick strawberries. I saw a sign up about it.
We could make jam. Or pies?
To: Taliesyn Robards
From: Idris Robards
Since it seems your beloved town is in the grip of a serial firebug, I’ve decided not to take the risk that your birthday dinner at The Glass Slipper will go up in flames and cancelled the reservation. We are going to Restaurant Gordon Ramsay instead. In London. Be at my flat Wednesday evening at 6:30 and we’ll go from there.
Bring someone, if you really must.
— Idris
Warded to Helga’s Hill sans Henry & Susan
Honestly, it’s no wonder the arsonist hasn’t been caught yet, since a certain Hitwizard seems more interested in taking our resident soap-maker out to dinner.
They were definitely making eyes at each other over pizza tonight, although whether he’s planning to sleep with her or adopt her I have no idea.
I have new shoes for work and they glow under the lights at the Grotto. Today, however, is a day for sandals and short skirts in the sun.
SISTERS — I will be out in the garden sunning myself and going over a nice fat book of potions. That jug of purple liquid in the kitchen is lavender lemonade, not a potion, so help yourselves. xxx
Read moreWarded to Susan Bones
Portia Diggle is telling everybody she saw you with Henry Radford last night. So I guess if you are aren’t dating you might want to clear it up, or if you are, well, people are talking about it. Anyway, I just figured you should know. Unless Hannah or someone already told you, in which case, sorry for bringing it up again…
Do you really
This town is the worst, right?
To: Portia Diggle
From: Susan Bones
[No note, just a Clean Up Your Act bath bomb.]
Saw another house damaged by fire. 9 Hufflepuff Way. I don’t think anyone was inside but commiserations to whoever lived there, I suppose. It looks pretty bad. Hope you didn’t have anything valuable.
The last one at Higher Grounds next door really spooked the boss and every since I’ve been living a double life — urbane antique salesman by day and paranoid fire warden at night. Hard to say no to a little extra cash but being there means I can’t go to London so all up I’m probably worse off, fuck as it seems one’s home can go up in flames at any moment. I may as well be sleeping there — actually I am sleeping there, as he said I had to be present but he didn’t say I had to stay upright.
To: Cary Robards
From: Astoria Greengrass
You owe me interesting stories about your trip. You promised. I’m still quite bored. But I have patched things up with my sister at least so I’m settled back in with her and not having to live like a gypsy anymore. For now.
Not much else is new here. Someone’s apparently been going round setting buildings on fire. I don’t understand how a town can be so chaotic and yet so dull at the same time. I can’t sleep because I keep thinking about burning up in my bed. So I’m writing you and then I think I’ll go for a walk.
If you haven’t got any interesting stories for me, I suppose don’t bother owling back.
I find myself sceptical about the upcoming open auditions for The Curl & the Flame. While we may find some new talents, it may be more of a publicity-seeking affair than a genuine search. My manager says that I am a dead cert for Raul and I admit that this is flattering, but I read the audition script for Dragul and I find myself fascinated by the character. To request an audition for Dragul might be madness, but if I don’t try, I’ll never know.
Warded to Henry Radford
Are you dating the resident soap-maker? Because that rumour is catching like wildlife. You don’t need me to tell you that it won’t be a good look for the Department if the Prophet runs a story. Luckily everyone here hates that paper so no-one is likely to blab, though the Mayor’s son seems especially uppity and probably needs a smack.
I do not like all these fires they are sad and a little bit scary. So I made strawberry shortcake from the strawberries I got at Barney’s farm for anyone who wants some!
I also think we should put a group together to help fix up the houses and shops that need fixing. I know there are probably insurance things and people will get hired but we can help clean and paint and be helpful! I thin Helga would want us to.
Read moreWarded to Taliesyn Robards
Your brother is trying to play a joke on me and it isn’t funny at all and he should cut it out.
You know I had my own fire a few days ago when I tried to cook myself a steak and after it was put out the DMLE sent someone around to ask me about it and I had to explain everything and it was so embarrassing and given that people have lost homes because of fire I think I don’t actually want to talk about this at all, Merlin, how insensitive can you be.
Good on the British summer for actually making an appearance this year. The season has ended and all the players have gone away. I’m basically twiddling my thumbs till September. No, I don’t know if Viktor Krum is going to come to Caerphilly. My guess is probably not. But if he did sign I’d be reading about it in the paper like everyone else because I bet Imogen is keeping me out of the loop deliberately.
I can’t believe I find idleness so boring now. I’m even thinking of auditioning for Curl and Flame because why not? It’d pass the time.
Does anyone want a hand fixing up their damaged homes? I’d be happy to help.
Read moreI touched a finger today. A finger that was not attached to a body. A HUMAN finger.
This is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me in the history of ever. Susan, I’m going to need like a gallon of bath stuff to get this feeling off of me.
I deserve to have only good and lovely things happen to me for the rest of the day. Or week. Or month.
Read moreWarded to Hannah Abbott
As if I didn’t have enough to worry about what with rumours and the potential threat of arson to my business, now one of my employees has received a severed finger in the post.
Possibly more disturbing is the fact that she seems to think it’s some sort of joke. Unless that’s what passes for a Slytherin sense of humour these days? But… no, that’s not normal, is it? I mean, for Helga’s sake! A human finger. The thought of it is making me feel ill.
Who: Gawain, Cecilia, Idris and Taliesyn Robards
Where: Tali’s cottage
When: Afternoon
It was afternoon when the Robards convened. Cecilia and Idris arrived together, voices low, heads bent to the ground, and briefcase in tow. They ushered in without a word and sat down around the small kitchen table. Gawain filled them in while Tali poured everyone tea. The cups mostly lay untouched.
“Are you sure it’s real?” Cecilia asked.
Gawain gave a curt nod. “I’ve enquired everywhere using all the resources I have. It is definitely Cary’s finger—” Cecilia and Tali flinched, while Idris remained unmoved, “—and the note definitely came from Atlantis. Look.”
So now my birthday is known as Cary Freedom Day. Great. Nobody wished me a happy birthday at all and now I have to go buy Cary a gift. I mean, of course I’m glad he’s safe, but why yesterday? We had to sit at home gnawing on our nails all the way up to 11 o’clock.
Warded to Astoria Greengrass
I thought you’d like to know Cary is home and he is OK.
Warded to Audrey Singh
Try not to let Mum & Dad get too excited, yeah? We won’t know until we know. And if I come home to a giant cake or something and I didn’t pass, I— just don’t let them count their chickens, yeah?
Warded to Lucinda Vane
Nervous? You shouldn’t be.
Warded to Lavender Brown
So, wish me
To: Taliesyn Robards
From: Audrey Singh
Dear Tali,
Happy belated birthday. I’m sorry that I’m getting this to you a day late. I’ve been very a bit distracted lately, but that is hardly an excuse. Especially since you’ve never missed a birthday of mine.
I hope this goes a bit of the way towards making it up to you and that your day was lovely.
Lots of love,
[Enclosed is a large parcel of homemade biscuits and a copy of The Story of Tea.]
I realize that there has been a fair amount of speculation on the wireless talk show circuit that I’ve been offered the role of Harmony in The Curl & the Flame serial. I just want to clarify that I haven’t been offered any part in the show as of yet. I already have a full time job!
Warded to Sasha Capper
In your opinion as my publicist, how difficult would it be to balance acting and professional Quidditch, exactly?
I’ll never understand why both of my sisters think they’re going to get a positive response when they say, “This is absolutely disgusting. Try it!” and then shove the offending food item into my face.
My, with that ringing endorsement, how could I resist?
Read moreMY EYES
Read moreI’ve just re-read all The Curl and the Flame books. It’s so strange to have so much time on my hands without the coffee shop, but I’m getting a lot of reading done so I suppose that’s a good things. I don’t really have very many books, so does anyone have any recommendations?
When I was in the Badger yesterday, someone said that somebody had told them that they had seen CeeCee DePlomb from the WWN in town. Did anyone actually see her?
Addendum: Oh, Merlin. I just opened the window and all I can see is smoke. Wyn’s Pizzeria is on fire. This can’t be happening again.
Read moreWarded to Henry Radford
Sorry about the rumours. This town is
I hope y
Hello! I don’t know if you’ve heard, but this Sunday it’s the annual Badger Spotting Picnic in Helga’s Hill. Yes, real badgers. It’s in the evening, in the meadows outside the town, and it’s always lots of fun so I thought I’d let you know in case it was something you wanted to do with Daisy. It’s completely free and there’s even a prize for whoever spots the most badgers.
Who: AJ Singh, Lavender Brown
Where: The Grotto
When: Late
The party was a haze of high-fives and cheek kisses and drinks being pressed into his hand, and AJ just felt so happy. So, so happy, with the lights just a little bit out of focus, and the music thrumming through his whole body, and his cheeks aching from smiling so much. He felt so happy, in fact, that there was a current of sadness running through it: that feeling of already being nostalgic for this moment, of knowing it was too good to last.
And then, as though some unspoken signal had gone around the room, the party started winding down. People were starting to leave despite AJ’s best efforts to persuade them to stay. He wasn’t ready to give up on the night yet, not by a long shot. He just needed another drink and a smile to buoy his spirits again. At least he knew one person who’d be here until the very end.
Who: AJ Singh, Lavender Brown
Where: 9B Helga’s Hill Road
When: Early
Didn’t want to wake you, have to get going home.
Talk later?
Warded to AJ Singh
You shouldn’t just spend the night kissing a girl in her bed and then disappear in the morning, you know? It is really rude. And, actually, I’m not talking to you.
Warded to Parvati Patil
Boys are stupid.
Warded to Stephen Cornfoot
I need to talk to you.
I don’t want to write, there’s nothing to write about and nothing good and I don’t want to talk about the not good things no one needs more not good. There’s so much already and it’s not doing anyone any good to talk about because nothing still happens because there’s nothing to happen to it to stop it happening and I don’t know why I’m doing this except maybe Hestia will leave me alone if I do
I spotted three badgers.
The weather was pretty but it was too hot.
My house is still burned
This whole thing about “fresh new talent” is such bullshit. There’s nothing wrong with the current talent at the WWN. They clearly just want celebrities and Quidditch players, if they’re trying to get Stella Chambers to play the lead role.
I can’t miss out on this opportunity. I deserve this.
Warded to Wayne Hopkins
How much influence do you have with The Curl and the Flame casting?
I am so so so proud of my lovely sister LUCY for becoming a fully-qualified Healer. OBVIOUSLY I’m proud of my other sisters for various reasons, but they haven’t just done something quite as momentous as this.
The party at the Grotto was fab. Should have worn something with more cleavage. Might have bagged myself a hot Healer.
Read moreWarded to Gwen Montgomery
Maybe you should live with me.
Who: Idris Robards, Taliesyn Robards
Where: Tali’s flat of books
When: Daytime
“This place is a fucking fire hazard. No wonder you don’t live here. If you were here when a fire started you’d die from the smoke in two minutes.”
“Yeah, well, it’s—” very true, so Tali let his sentence trail off. “Hey! What are you doing?”
Dear Dr. Flemming,
I am the world’s biggest fan of The Curl & the Flame and also an aspiring actress! I want nothing more than to be in the new serial on the WWN, but I’m not sure if there is a point of going to the open auditions when there are so many established actresses on the WWN already? My acting coaches think I have potential, but I’m scared of rejection!
Should I go for it?
Talented but Unknown
Dear Talented but Unknown,
First of all, rejection is both part of life and part of your chosen career path. If you’re going to continue to pursue this lifestyle, you’re going to have to put on your big girl knickers and learn to face it. If you can’t do that, quit now as you’re in for a miserable existence.
That said, of course you should go to the audition. The WWN put out that casting call for a reason! The current stable of actresses at the WWN is abominable (have you heard Portia Diggle’s portrayal of Violet on Charmed Life recently? It borders on assault on ones eardrums and turning off the wireless is almost inevitable when she’s in a scene). They really do need new talent. So, if you can prepare yourself to handle potential disappointment, put yourself out there! You’ll only regret it if you don’t.
Dr. Autumn Flemming
[Sylvie’s journal was left out and open on her nightstand in the morning, and got doused when the sprinklers went off]
It’s always nice to come home from work and find everything soaking wet.
Okay, who tried to burn down my place and set off my sprinkler charms? Because you need to get over here right now as my foot has a date with your arse.
Read moreThis week hasn’t quite started out the way I would wish but things, as they say, can only get better. Though, as someone who didn’t even like sitting too close to the hearth in the common room, I have to hope there won’t be any more fires in town.
Read moreIrony is when you miss your first official day of work as a Healer because you’re at death’s door.
So, what did we eat? I blame the chicken.
Read moreI spotted the most badgers but now I don’t feel good.
Read moreOffloaded one Firebolt and traded in another for the Comet Cloud-Rover. In actual fact I spotted the most badgers on Sunday, but doing it from the air is supposedly cheating. Fine. Ignore my flying skills and superior eyesight.
Megan — I’m very sorry to hear about your house. Your family is welcome to stay with mine.
Read moreDid anyone else feel a bit under the weather yesterday? I thought I may be coming down with something, but today I’m feeling much better, thankfully. I suspect it may have been food poisoning from t—.
Who: Astoria Greengrass, Stephen Cornfoot
Where: The Grotto
When: Evening
Astoria was uncomfortable. Bars were not her scene. She’d hold a glass of champagne at a party, sure, but otherwise she preferred to do her drinking surreptitiously. A few glasses of wine in the bath at night. A flask tipped into her teacup at a boring brunch. But the more she drank the more she could suppress her discomfort, so she was already on her third lemon drop martini. And Ophelia had abandoned her momentarily for the restroom, so she was draining this one quickly, since she didn’t know what else to do with herself.
The casting for the Curl and the Flame series cannot be decided quickly enough. The WWN office can get silly at the best of times, but the place seems to have gone completely mad since the series was announced. Today a certain gentleman kept scampering around hunched over, a balloon under the back of his shirt, exclaiming, “What day is it? What day is it?” until I someone transfigured him into a camel.
He made quite a good camel. It’s a shame he had to be changed back.
I am never going to that Grotto place again, especially not on a weeknight. Grotty, more like. My head throbbed half the day, and work didn’t make it any better. Why are people who work in this field allowed to have such shrill voices?
And how long does DePlomb need to discover new talent? I practically shoved her through Diggle’s door when I ran into her here. Not that she exactly needs discovering, but she needs something, she obviously hasn’t been offered a role already. She wouldn’t be as coy as Chambers if she had, and there’s not nearly enough smug in her face.
Weren’t there complaints about how they needed a real redhead for some part or another? That sounds perfect to me, and they can’t really be expecting an entirely novice cast for that rubbish. Even if it was a best selling series, you need more experience in actual acting — people won’t keep listening just for the trainwreck of an athlete attempting to act.
Not that any of the roles are likely to call for much subtlety. If there was a chance of that, I certainly wouldn’t recommend other people for it.
Attention eligible men! My suddenly-single sister has decided to come stay with me this weekend to ease her broken heart, and while a Quidditch match and a party at the Grotto will probably be fun distractions for her, I always say that the quickest way to get over something (or someone) is to get back on the horse ASAP.
SO if any hot guys want to come along to the Light My Fire party tomorrow night and “accidentally” run into my sister there, you have my blessings! Her name’s Lexie, she’s 22, and she’s super fun to be around. I shouldn’t even have to say how pretty she is, because she’s a MacDonald and good looks run in our family. But here’s a photo anyway:
So it seems I’ve got chronic boredom syndrome.
Or I’m just depressed.
Read moreTo: Amelia Higgs
From: Terence Higgs
Hey Sis,
The way our parents live, is that off-putting to plebs other people? ‘Cos honestly I don’t see what’s so bad about it. But obviously some people have a different opinion.
— Terence
Who: Anyone who wants to attend the Light My Fire party
Where: The Grotto
When: Evening
The Grotto is on fire.
There are so many people here.
Someone please send help!
Warded to H98
Was anyone at that party? Are you OK?
I awake. What happened? I must get out of here!
OK. Maybe scratch that. Legs not working like I remember. Short of breath too. Might have to lie this one out.
Warded to Felicity Eastchurch
Felicitous, Felicitations, Felicity — you’re the only one I can trust. You must find a replacement for me for the match because we must win. If we don’t, it’ll be a reflection the whole town, and it won’t do me any good either. We have to win or we can’t go to the final. As players. They can’t stop us as watchers but having written that who wants to watch Diagon and Hogsmeade anyway it’ll be like an orgy of yuck.
So we must win! I’ve thought of Plan A. Plan A is to find a good replacement. Plan B is to find any replacement. What about Smith? He has a broom. I think he wrote something about having a broom. Plan C is to split AJ into two, A and J. But I dunno how to do that. But maybe you do, because Tamaramarama told me you’re a ninja warrior.
Once you’ve found this new Andrei, he or she needs a team kitten, which you can get from my flat ’cos I have some spare parts. The password to get in is andreirockseverything. They’re in my closer. Closest. Closet.
Whoa I think this self-write quill is broke. Some kid has chewed off half of it. Damn St Mungo-a-go-go’s and their cheap ways. What kind of hotel do they call themselves?
So, in closing, we need to win. Please, rally the troops. We need to win. This is my dying wish.
Warded to Helga’s Heroes sans Andrei Capper
Safe to say the game is off, yeah? Try not to break Andrei’s heart about it.
Hope everybody’s doing OK, considering.
All of these fires are really bad and it seems like you need a lot of money to fix everything that is ruined. So I have been thinking about it and I think we should put on a charity pancake breakfast.
It will be next Sunday not the one tomorrow but the one after that in my back yard because there is room there unless somebody else has a better place. We will put up a jar and you can give as much money as you want for as many pancakes as you want to eat. I think since it is charity you can decide the price. Then when it is all over we will divide the money up to all the places that have had fires unless they say they don’t want it and that can help people pay for repairs because it’s not nice to have to pay for all of that when you didn’t even start the fire I think.
If anybody wants to help cook pancakes and has good recipes or lend tables and chairs and stuff so people can sit and eat I would like your help a lot!!! Also if you have friends and family that live outside the town let them know so they can come too. I just think it is really important that we do everything we can to help our friends get back on their feet so we can go back to being happy Helga’s Hill.
Read moreIt’s my birthday on the 3rd and I wonder if I should just book a last-minute holiday and go away somewhere. I wouldn’t normally make have the time, but things are different right now. The building work on Higher Grounds and our flat is going nicely, but there isn’t a lot for me to do other than help pick out paint colours.
Does anyone have any recommendations for where to go? It would be nice to have someone to go with, too.
Read moreMy sister needs to find a better hiding place for this. I only came back to her flat to pick up a few of her things (the Healers say she’s improving — it helps that she has such a thick skull, I suppose) when what should I stumble across but her diary. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be anything interesting in here, so I thought I’d remedy that.
Heidi MacDonald makes a really convincing ginger.
When we were kids we would share a bath, and — without fail — Heidi would always do a poo in the bathtub. It used to drive our mum crazy.
She makes noises in her sleep. Like, talking, snuffling… When she was younger she used to sing in her sleep.
Wow, I could go on like this all day. Does anyone have any burning questions about Heidi they want me to answer? The more embarrassing the better!
so many familiar faces in st. mungo’s.
timing is peculiar. they say history repeats itself. more burns than blood, but i suppose the details aren’t important.
Read moreWarded to owners of shops/businesses/restaurants in Helga’s Hill
I know this month has been very stressful, worrying about our own livelihoods as well as those of our friends and neighbours. But that’s why I think it’s even more important to pull together as a town and a community, and show solidarity in the face of adversity.
So, building on from Roni’s idea, I thought it would be nice if we could all do something too. How does everyone feel about having a raffle, with prizes donated by us? Just things like free products or services — whatever you have to offer. We can sell tickets in all participating places, and then have the drawing at the pancake breakfast. Hopefully that way we’ll raise more money and attract more people.
Any thoughts/suggestions?
To: Andrei Capper
From: Imogen Stretton
Dear Andrei,
I really didn’t know how the team were going to cope when half of them were still recovering from Scrofungulus, so thank you very much for making it so easy. Never did I think you weren’t going to field a team at all, even with the nightclub fire. I mean, you could have fronted up six random bodies and one Seeker and the Snitch could have smacked him in the face and fallen into his hand within the first minute, because it’s Quidditch, right? Miracles happen.
You picked the wrong team, Andrei. We may not be as good as Hogsmeade on paper but at least we don’t roll over at the first sign of adversity. I don’t know why you even live in that town when you’re neither poor nor Welsh. But then again, since I’ve known you, you’ve always proved a crappy decision-maker.
If you’d listened to me, you could’ve been holding a trophy aloft next month. And you could have been Head of Youth Development in two seasons. Oh well. Let bygones be bygones. I’ll give you this though — you are a very funny bloke. Haven’t laughed so hard in ages.
So it seems the fires have taken a toll even without burning. Mr Richard Kelsey, long-time employee, and dare I say it, family friend, of J Pippin’s has decided the Grotto blaze was the final straw. No amount of reassurances that we have top notch fire security though that’s mainly to keep any fires in, not fires out, a bonus and a raise or preferential treatment at St Mungo’s could get him to get to change his mind. He has handed in his notice and he and the missus are moving to Ousefleet. Good luck to him, I suppose. I’m sure he’ll find his new home suitably dull tranquil.
I’ll now have to advertise for new staff. I fear I’m not going to find anyone as good because when you’ve worked for one company for so long you become obviously more than just any employee. I guess we could take on another apprentice as a long-term investment but there’s not much choice. The War blew a hole in most recent school-leavers’ educations and Johanna has already snapped up the best for the flagship store.
Also can’t imagine anyone falling over themselves to relocate here. Well, I guess you don’t have to be a resident but I do like having a local flavour.
Read moreTo: Lexie MacDonald
From: Heidi MacDonald
I suppose this is not an opportune time to mention it’s my birthday next week? I honestly don’t feel a celebration is at all warranted, given the circumstances, but I will be travelling back up to Scotland on the weekend and friends are welcome to join me. You might get to visit a haunted castle! Fancy that.
Read moreTo: Romilda Vane
From: Tom Pippin
Hi Romilda!
Here’s the official apprentice application form. You can work through it at your own pace but having said that sooner would be better. You can skip the part about references and prior experience — Lucinda has had a word and if you’re unjustly overlooked I’m sure she’ll have many more. Don’t worry if you’re stumped by some of the tasks. They’re meant to be challenging and sometimes they’re a bit pot luck and there’s no ‘perfect’ solution. It’s more a gauge of potential. Don’t bother posting — you can leave it at J Pip’s when you’re done.
Good luck!
Who: Henry Radford, Audrey Singh
Where: Outside the Glass Slipper
When: Evening
Arithmancers made Henry Radford’s head hurt. They always had. Especially the forsenic types that used equations and algorithms and other incomprehensible shit to predict the patterns of criminals. Henry was half convinced that they were all high functioning sociopaths themselves, but knew better than to say so. They could be testy. And they were useful, he had to admit. They had predicted that the Helga’s Hill arsonist would deviate from pattern, that the events would escalate as they continued. Unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to predict the next attack until after the damage at the Grotto had been done.
But now they felt they’d pinpointed a possible location for the next attack, though the timing seemed to have been thrown off slightly by the chaos at the weekend. Still, he or one of his team were staking out The Glass Slipper at all times, waiting and watching for suspicious behavior.
Warded to AJ Singh
I don’t know where you are, but you need to come home because everyone’s saying that Audrey’s been arrested and that she’s been setting the fires in town. Why would she
I don’t want to stay here.
Warded to AJ Singh
I’m not going to ask you if you’re okay.
Warded to Percy Weasley
Can you believe this? What should we do? Can we do anything?
Warded to Katie Bell
This is fucked and I miss you.
Looks like a certain bubbly waitress is going to need a damn good lawyer. Where is Idris Robards when you need him, hmm?
Read more