@esfp 1 May 2001
Happy Birthday, Helga Hufflepuff!
This is my favorite day of the year, even if I have to make samosas until my fingers cramp! Maybe because I have to make samosas until my fingers cramp!
Read moreHappy Birthday, Helga Hufflepuff!
This is my favorite day of the year, even if I have to make samosas until my fingers cramp! Maybe because I have to make samosas until my fingers cramp!
Read moreHappy Badger Day!
Don’t forget to drop by Higher Grounds. We’ve got badger-shaped biscuits and super special badger muffins which are dark chocolate with a yummy gooey white chocolate centre. There’s also 10% off our Hufflepuff tea blend.
I hope everyone has a really lovely day!
Read moreToday is a gorgeous day and nobody is going to ruin it for me. I hope you all adopt a similar attitude! Even though if I see Xavier Orpington, I might just kill him.
Okay, I know I was pretty down on the idea of them adding a petting zoo to the festival this year, but I have to admit that that badger is pretty cute. Just be gentle, please!
Dydd Moch Daear yn Hapus!
Read moreWho: Residents of Helga’s Hill
Where: Town Square, Helga’s Hill
When: 11pm Wednesday until the wee hours of Thursday morning
It was amazing how quickly a scream could ruin a rock concert. And even more amazing how quickly the rumor of a dead body could move through a crowd.
Xavier Orpington murdered in Helga’s Hill
Who killed the entrepreneur?
Warded to H98 — but on second thoughts, not Zach
Did anyone walk me home last night?
Mr Orpington is dead??? When did this happen? He was so mean last night that I left and now they are saying at St Mungo’s that he is dead. I didn’t want him to be dead only nice!!!
I am feeling very sad and bad right now.
Read moreHigher Grounds will be opening at 11am today, unless the Ministry people say we can’t. Sorry about the late opening, but it’s out of our hands, really.
We still have a few badger biscuits left. Half price until they’re all gone.
Read moreCan the Calliope Heights Project Soldier on After the Tragic Demise of the Visionary at its Helm?
Orpington’s killer still at large! Entire town is under suspicion!
To: Taliesyn Robards
From: Cecilia Robards
Dear Tali,
I would find it hard to believe the entire town is under suspicion but maybe a month-and-a-half of living in close quarters with your father has changed you. A murder in Helga’s Hill? You made it sound like a retirement village for Gryffindors who could no longer roar, Slytherins whose teeth had fallen out, Ravenclaws whose brains have been addled by too much recreational smoking, and Hufflepuffs. I suspect calling you two back home right now is out of the question? If they don’t sort it out soon perhaps you’ll see cousin Henry and we may as well all head over for a family gathering.
I have complete confidence that you had nothing to with it. But make sure your father doesn’t do anything rash. I suggest putting a trace on him but the last person who tried that no longer has any arms.
With love,
PS: Idris says you should take it as compliment that the DMLE thinks you could do such a thing and not get caught (yet). He has offered to defend you should it come to that. He’ll even waive the fee.
Warded to Ophelia Selwyn
You know, not to be entirely unfeeling, but I can’t help but feel like this can only work out in your benefit. At least, I hope so.
Have you been in touch with Gavin since it happened? If so, please give him my condolences I guess.
And let me know if we can celebrate the renewal of your engagement at any point…
To: Gavin MacDougal
From: Ophelia Selwyn
Ga Mr. MacDougal,
Allow me to congratulate you on finally receiving your inheritance. I hope that you will have just as much luck finding someone to help you spend it. I’m sure it won’t take long.
Ophelia C. Selwyn
Well. Better than the last, but if that’s really still the best I can do… of course, it would be pointless to pretend that either one of us are really sad about his death, or consider it any real loss. All Gavin ever wanted was the money, and now he’ll have it.
And now I know that wasn’t the entire reason he ended things. If it was, he would have written me already. I suppose all he really wanted from me was an old, pure name, and now he can have his pick from all the twiggy tarts he could want with his uncle’s money to help things along.
Well, at least it won’t last long, not if he tries to take on his uncle’s projects. He doesn’t have anywhere near the executive ability to handle them.
We’re not taking visitors right now. Thanks.
Warded to Gwen Montgomery
Can you take Louisa into work with you on Monday? Quills ’n’ Things have given her a few days off, but my job won’t let me take off, and I don’t want her to be alone. I figured there’s always someone around at the clinic and the animals are soothing or something. I don’t know.
I can’t seem to leave my flat without tripping over a reporter. It’s so strange. Not a single headline about the anniversary today and I never thought I’d see so many of my neighbors giving interviews when they don’t know anything.
I’m completely knackered, too. How are any of us meant to survive work today?
Read moreWarded to Benjamin Macnair
So, Tristan is forcing me to go to stupid Zacharias’ party this week, but in exchange I made her promise to let me pick her out some sexy new dress robes for the occasion. I need you to come meet us at Mirror, Mirror to give a bloke’s opinion around noon, please! It’ll be good for you to get out of the flat for a bit.
Warded to Tristan Montgomery
Mirror, Mirror at noon to shop for your dress robes. Just start without me if I’m late or I don’t show up at all.
Who: Lavender Brown
Where: Mirror, Mirror
When: Early afternoon
Normally Lavender would be really annoyed about having to work on a Saturday despite the deal she’d made to have the day of the Badger Festival off. (One could make a deal, after all, but that didn’t mean one couldn’t pout about it afterward.) However, given the looks she’d been receiving around the village for the past couple of days, she was almost glad to be tucked away in the boutique away from most people.
Warded to DA, Gwen, Terence, & Louisa
They’ve arrested Lavender. For killing Orpington.
Hit Wizards descend on Helga’s Hill
Jilted werewolf now a murderess?
Well I certainly feel better knowing they’ve made an arrest! I was starting to question the competence of our Law Enforcement after they detained all of us innocent citizens for hours. I’m just glad to have it all over with.
Read moreIdris is coming to visit because I opened my big mouth and now Mum is worried that Dad killed Orpington and needs pre-emptive legal defence hang on I should not be writing about this publicly better cross all that out.
The bad news is that Idris is coming to visit. The good news is that he can no longer lord his relationship over me because he doesn’t have one any longer. Ha! I feel bad for gloating no I don’t but it’s one of the many things he’s held over me as a point of superiority so honestly I don’t think it unreasonable that I should feel a bit of glee about it. I mean, I didn’t make his relationship fail. I didn’t even know anything was wrong till yesterday when Mum owled. He must have broken it all by himself because he’s a cold unfeeling jerk.
Memorial service held for Xavier Orpington
Mourners pay their respects to the visionary
I am fucking fed up to the back teeth with Lavender’s arrest being not only front page news but pages 2, 3, 4 and 5. No, I don’t know what the DMLE have that justifies it, and yes, their reasoning may well be solid, but the fact remains they sure as hell have not told the papers what it is so everything written inside is simply speculative nonsense.
If you see any quotes from “unnamed sources” about Lavender’s character they may well have been from me but anything I ever said in relation to her came up in the course of general office chit-chat, possibly months ago. I have not given any interviews in reaction to her arrest.
And no, I will not talk about what it’s like to live with a werewolf!
Ding dong, the bastard’s dead.
So does this mean Calliope Heights won’t be going ahead now?
Read moreWerewolf released from custody
Lavender Brown remains a prime suspect
Actually Cornfoot, I think I will have my knickers back. It’s not as if Orpington needs them now.
Read moreWarded to friends
I’m home until the DoMC comes to drag me back for the Full tomorrow.
Could someone explain to me why the DMLE thinks it is a good plan to release a murderous werewolf onto our streets? And explain it quickly before my sister realizes I’ve taken her journal.
Read moreWho: Zacharias Smith, anyone who was invited
Where: Smith Manor
When: Evening
Zacharias had often been accused of being insensitive so he had no qualms about feeling pleased about Orpington’s death. Orpington had been invited to the dinner party, and the thought of having to play nice with the man who was planning to knock down his family home was almost too much. With him out of the picture now, Zacharias felt much happier. He might even enjoy himself this evening.
Has the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Missed the Obvious in the Orpington Case?
Suspected Serial Murderess Lives in Helga’s Hill!
To: Lavender Brown
From: AJ Singh
Feel better. This always did the trick when I was a kid. Ever look into that yoga?
— Andrew
[The note is attached to a generous portion of Mama Singh’s homemade chicken and vegetable soup.]
It seems the Prophet is looking for alternate people to blame for Orpington’s death, should the werewolf angle not pan out. After yesterday’s article about my mother, I’ve been fielding questions at work all day. Frankly, the accusation is ridiculous.
Read moreWarded to Helga’s Heroes
Good practice out there yesterday. I think this whole town could use some cheering up so let’s go for a win tomorrow, yeah? And badger all your friends and family into coming to cheer us on (if you’ll forgive the pun.)
And hopefully no one in the crowd will get offed this time.
Who: Heidi MacDonald, Sally-Anne Perks, and eavesdropping customers
Where: Higher Grounds
When: Morning
Heidi had been stewing over Sylvie Fawcett’s comments all week. Dealing with Orpington’s rejection had been humiliating enough, but having someone like Fawcett rub it in her face was a hundred times worse. Heidi had considered hauling her in for questioning — it would serve her right for sleeping with Orpington — but reluctantly ruled this out. After all, she wasn’t even assigned to the case. Dragging in someone because of a personal vendetta probably wouldn’t go down too well with her boss.
Still, that didn’t matter. Heidi had other, less professional, ways of getting her own back.
So here she was, on a Sunday morning, weaving her way between the crowded tables at Higher Grounds with purpose. “Skinny latte, please!” she trilled out, smiling at the blonde barista as she reached the counter.
What the hell happened, guys!?
I still can’t quite fathom it. We lost, right? We lost to Hogsmeade. How? They have grandmothers on their team.
All those people and press coverage, a chance to make a name for ourselves and we blew it.
Also, Ben — among others — did you really have to break that minute’s silence. Finally we get a mention in the papers and it’s all about us being uncouth and disrespectful yobs. They’ve managed to turn Hogsmeade’s win into some kind of moral victory, for Merlin’s sake.
Read moreHumphrey, I apologise for what happened at the Grotto. Next time I’ll remember I’m civilised and fight like a civilised person would — through the courts.
So if anyone else wants to accuse me of murder, they better back up their words with solid evidence, or they better get a lawyer fast.
Read moreIt is not in my job description to clean up after common criminals! I wish I’d stayed home today. That was the last thing I needed. There’s enough real work to do in the office without people breaking in and making messes!
I’m going to go take a long bath with some Dream Clean.
Read moreSo, funny story. I’ve been hearing rumours around time that I had a really good reason to off Orpington. And you know what? I did have a fucking good reason. But I didn’t do it. I mean, I wish I had, but let’s face it, if it had been me, he would not only have been asphyxiated, he would have had some choice body parts severed off as well.
Don’t believe me? Well, you can believe what you want, but how about next time you say it to my face and not whispering behind my back? That’d be great.
You may all go back to your regular lives now. Cheers.
Read moreWho: Humphrey Hayes and Andrew Singh
Where: Jewel of India, just outside
When: Evening
Fuck Higgs. Humphrey had sort of known it was a mistake to rile the older Slytherin as soon as the words had left his mouth, but since when had he ever taken a step back from catastrophe in the nick of time? Not when he’d had both alcohol and other drugs, at any rate.
Fuck Higgs again for actually instigating a fight, and then having the cheek to apologise and say next time he’d sue. Honestly Humphrey had been expecting the latter, and even that was only if Higgs was vindictive enough to sue someone who’s got no money.
Hello? Law enforcement?
Once you’re done locking up people who aren’t murderers you may want to take a look at this real-life crime scene down here at the Mayor’s office. You can’t miss it, because it’s the building with broken glass and debris everywhere.
Warded to Daphne Greengrass and Tristan Montgomery
Hey, you two. Dad The Mayor thinks it’s better for the time being if we moved all essential operations into the Manor. We’ve got rooms to store things and work in. We’re obviously going to upgrade security but the DMLE has to clear us of any ongoing threat or find the twerps who did this, and no guesses for how long that will take, so it’s best if we relocated.
To: Stephen Cornfoot
From: Megan Jones
Dear Mr. Cornfoot,
I was going to try to talk to you at the Mayor’s party but that didn’t work out and it’s just been really busy with everything, and I know you’re really busy too because you said you were right after it happened and it’s probably worse now since they haven’t caught them yet. I hope you’ve got enough coffee to get everything done and don’t worry about writing back right away, I know you’re sleeping now hopefully? I hope you’re sleeping. I can’t sleep
But I wanted to talk to you about Calliope Heights and if it’s still going to happen. And if it is what that means and if it isn’t… also what that means because everyone Hestia mum and dad there’s been so much put into it and… and I just wasn’t sure what that meant either way and I want to. Because it was going to be so important to our community. Is there even anything left after all those brooms Can you sell the brooms and pay people back
Megan Jones
I hope you all enjoyed the free biscuits I helped deliver them to everyone!
Barney Dunstan has the nicest family ever! Well maybe tied with my family because my family is super super nice too! When there is so much sad stuff and people feeling scared and sad and a little bit cranky treats are one of the best things to help I think.
Read moreIs anyone else a bit suspicious of these biscuits, or is it just because I grew up with Fred & George?
Read morePrivate
I am going to be violently ill and it is all Gavin’s fault.
If he hadn’t left I wouldn’t have had the entire basket to myself but I just sat down and one moment I was on my first and the next it was nothing but crumbs.
Merlin, I haven’t had a moment like that since —
Well, not for a very very long time.
I wonder how much of this flat was furnished before we he moved in. I wonder how much he cares about that sofa. I’ve really been very good lately, I haven’t destroyed anything of his in weeks
merlin and nimue i want to die
i bet he took a figureless twig to that party
a twig in a shift with curly hair
To: Gawain Robards
From: Percy Weasley
Dear Mr. Robards,
I must thank you for your kind words about my employment situation a few weeks prior. If you don’t mind, I have a few things I’d like to say. Recent events have stirred up many thoughts in my mind, and I hope that by explaining them to someone else I might be able to sort them out a bit better.
I admit that I was having misgivings about working for Mr. Orpington, and I only regret that I did not act on them sooner. I still believe, as ever, that the Calliope Heights project is a brilliant vision of true progress in a – I am realizing more and more each day – vibrant and interesting community. However, at this point I no longer wish to be involved. I would prefer to support it from a distance.
You mentioned the possibility of my returning to the Ministry of Magic, which I must say I find intriguing – though also worrying. It is a place where I was once my worst self, a self that I do not wish to become again. But perhaps, with vigilance, I could work for the government without losing myself. After all, I was still entrenched in the Office of the Minister when I realized what I had become and began to turn around.
So as I find myself now an out of work consultant, I am seriously considering becoming, once again, a civil servant.
Percy Weasley
I am unable to return your underwear as it has been taken by the DMLE as part of their investigation.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Read moreWith a murderer on the loose and everyone under apparent suspicion, the least you could do is keep your innermost thoughts safe, wouldn’t you think? Just as well that Tali would be way down on the list or he’d have been hauled in already.
I wouldn’t be so unfeeling as to spill his secrets, though he has spilt mine. Yes, I was engaged and now I am not. It happens. On the bright side, given what my former beloved has gone off to do nowadays, I may dodged a hex.
That sorted, I might now take this opportunity to catch up with some former classmates, and other quick correspondence:
Sylvie — I’m sure you’re a lovely girl to anyone who’s not Orpington, but I have to decline your generous offer.
Percy — hard luck about your former employer. I hope you’ve found something better.
Andrew — if St Mungo’s has stopped working you to the bone, we should go out for a drink sometime. That goes for Percy, too.
Wendy — same invitation applies to you. Call it a 7-year reunion.
Audrey — I don’t know what your intentions are toward Tali, but I would advise against taking up a relationship again. He thinks working in a used book store is a career, for Merlin’s sake.
Maybe there is something to be said about the goodness of society after all.
You know, I could live with a yearly murder or two if it means free pastries.
Read moreWho: Alexander Derrick, Wayne Hopkins
Where: Fat Friar Lane
When: Night
It had been a rough few weeks for Alex. First, Orpington had threatened him with exposure. Then, the big bad (or at least, bad if you were bad) Gawain Robards had turned up. Then a murder, and then an investigation. Alex felt like he was on borrowed time. He wanted more than anything to leave, just piss off back to London, but in the midst of the investigation that was bound to just rouse more suspicion. So he held tight, tried to keep his head down, and waited for suspicion to fall on him, as it seemed it did on everyone eventually. He wasn’t just afraid of people thinking he was the murderer, he was afraid of being exposed for everything else he had done. And of course, the best way to keep a low profile was to get thoroughly, thoroughly drunk. Well, it was the best way to stop worrying about keeping a low profile anyway.
Holy shit I think there’s another
somebody get help
Read moreSorry, nobody’s dead. Or even hurt. Everything’s OK, basically. I’m just an idiot.
It was just a bad joke.
Don’t drink and journal.
Read moreWarded to Percy Weasley
We’re never going to get our money back are we?
Who: Idris Robards, Astoria Greengrass
Where: Heaven Scent
When: Afternoon
Well, Idris’s work in Helga’s Hill was done. He had a heart to heart with his father, convinced Tali that their father did not murder Orpington, and even if he did, he’d never be convicted, and caught up with old acquaintances. There was only time for a quick zoom around town to get the buy the best of what Helga’s had to offer before heading home.
Mother had asked him to pick up some products from Heaven Scent, a store which was apparently going to be the latest trend among her friends. She wanted to be up on it before everyone else got on the bandwagon.
To: Gavin MacDougal
From: Astoria Greengrass
I hope you are aware that your window of opportunity for reconciliation won’t be open forever. And I certainly hope you won’t be so foolish as to not even attempt to win Ophelia back, now that you are in a more advantageous situation. She’s a very sweet girl and I can tell she misses you (although for my part I certainly can’t see why), and considering you’ve got all the charm and personality of a bubotuber, I hope you realise your chances of ever doing better than her are very slim indeed.
As for me, I’ve grown quite tired of the topic, so I’m washing my hands of the matter. Consider this your warning to act now if you want to get a word in before I stop trying to speak well of you and start steering Ophelia toward more suitable men. If any will have her after you
Sincerely, as in you’d better believe I mean every word,
Astoria Greengrass
Who here is single and not pleased about it looking? I’m just curious.
Not because Sasha said I can’t get a girlfriend and I said I could and it’s been a while since that conversation and I still haven’t got one. So this might speed things up a bit.
Hello Helga’s Hill. I’ve been here for a few weeks now, but with Adelaide coming down with a cold as well as teething and settling back in and all the drama at the Badger festival, I haven’t had time to sit and write yet. This is Tamara Crumb — but you probably knew me as Tamara Nazaryan when I lived here last or back in school. Same person, different name. It’s been a while.
I’m only here temporarily hopefully, but I would love to catch up while I’m visiting with my parents. I’ll also be spending a little time helping Bob down at the Fat Fryer, so if your taste buds want something really greasy, you should come and say hi.
Warded to Louisa Macnair
Hey. I haven’t seen you around much lately so I just thought I’d say hi. How are you? How’s it going?
I don’t know if you saw in the journals, I kind of hope you didn’t, but last week I thought I saw another dead person. And fortunately it wasn’t, he wasn’t dead I mean. But it just made me think how much that must have sucked so… I’m sorry that happened to you, before.
And I’m sorry for bringing it up if you don’t want to talk about it. If you don’t want to talk about it you can pretend I just told you about how Roni Smethley has a dog that can do circus tricks.
Orpington’s personal effects still being combed through by the DMLE
Several promising leads uncovered
Hello good, patriotic citizens of Helga’s Hill,
I was thinking of going up to Hogsmeade tomorrow to watch the Hogsmeade vs Diagon Alley match as a little observing the opposition never hurt anybody. And then I may do some shopping, have lunch, make a real day of it. The reason I’m throwing this out there is because I don’t want to go up by myself geez a girlfriend would come in really handy right now as I think we’d make a better show as a group. Plus you’d get to visit Hogsmeade! It’s a nice town, apart from their Quidditch team, which needs a good kicking.
So who’d like to come along? Promise I won’t make you wear team colours.
Read moreWho: Andrei Capper, anyone and everyone
Where: Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley
When: All day
It was a beautiful Spring day in Hogsmeade and the town was pretty as a picture that was not quite as pretty as a picture of Helga’s Hill would be. Andrei and his merry band dispersed at the train station, the more Quidditch-mad heading to the pitch and the rest into town.
Andrei heard a few snickers from the Hogsmeade faithful as he sat down, but it didn’t bother him. With any luck Diagon would cream them and everyone would be all square. Well, both other teams would have a victory each and Helga’s none, but more square than if Hogsmeade had two and the others none. So squarish.
Geometry was never Andrei’s strong point, which was put all energies into Quidditch. He got out quill and parchment. There would definitely be a stack of notes at next practice.
Happy birthday to the best little sister a bloke could ever ask for. I’m sorry I ever tried to sell you to Mundungus Fletcher, because my life would’ve been worse without you in it.
If anyone sees Audrey Singh around town today, be extra nice to her, the way she always is to you.
Warded to Andrei Capper
Next time I say I’ve got time to go out and have fun, don’t listen to me. In fact, don’t let me. It’s got to be me at work or me with a stack of textbooks from here on out — and preferably not with a splitting hangover.
So I’m calling yesterday my Last Hurrah. But we’ll have to have a hell of a party when I finish training.
Warded to Susan Bones
I was wondering if I might ask you a big favour. Right now the only thing that stands between me and being a full-fledged Healer is a series of Potions practicals, which is an exciting but terrifying prospect. Help a guy out and go over some of it with me? Will trade samosas for Potions knowledge.
To: Audrey Singh
From: Taliesyn Robards
Dear Audrey,
Happy birthday to the best girlfriend a man could ever have had, and a cherished, wonderful friend currently. I know it’s not your region of expertise but I have no doubt you could make it so very soon, if you desired. I hope you enjoy the book and the sweet treats.
With affection,
[Also enclosed: a deluxe box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and a packet of sugar quills.]
You know it’s a good party when you sleep until the next afternoon. Good show, Higgs. Oh, and give Mr Fuckhead my best regards next time you see him, will you? He really showed me a good time last night.
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It’s the size of a plum. It has eyes and ears. This is really starting to frea
She still keeps crying. I wish she’d stop. I can’t say anything without worrying I’m going to set her off again. I hope she’s not this much of a wreck when she’s at work The midwitch said the morning sickness should stop soon, which is about the only bit of good news, because she’s approaching her second trimester and I know she can’t wait to tell everyone.
Fuck it all. His death hasn’t really solved anything, but at least she never had to discover what a dick he would’ve been about the baby. That’s one thing I can be thankful for. It shouldn’t be me going to these appointments with her, but it sure as hell shouldn’t have been him either.
Warded to Susan Bones
Hi. This might seem like an odd request, but are any of your products aimed at pregnant women? A colleague at work is going to have a baby and I need to get her a gift, but I didn’t want to give her anything that might be harmful. Something calming would be really good as her emotions are all over the place. Do you have anything like that in your shop?
Warded to Eloise Midgen
It’s been almost a month now. If they were going to find anything… like anything that they’d want to ask me about… they would have found it by now, right?
Like maybe I shouldn’t worry about it anymore?
But the minute you stop worrying about it is probably the minute it blows up in your face.
But I’m really tired of worrying about it.
I just wish they’d catch who really did it already.
Who: Susan Bones, Blaise Zabini
Where: 8 Hufflepuff Way
When: Morning
Susan was trying really really hard not to panic, but her mind was going to all sorts of awful places. Hannah was supposed to come round last night for dinner but she’d never showed up. At first Susan had reasoned that she was busy at work, which was plausible enough. But then as the hours had ticked on she’d become increasingly worried. It wasn’t like Hannah to forget to come round.
After a broken night’s sleep, Susan decided she’d go over to Hannah and Blaise’s cottage to set her mind at ease. Last night she’d convinced herself she was overreacting and Hannah was fine, but as she hurried down the street her decision seemed stupid. Worse, it seemed dangerous. Why hadn’t she checked earlier if Hannah was okay? What if she was lying in a ditch somewhere and it was all Susan’s fault for not raising the alarm sooner?
Reaching the cottage, she pounded on the door in desperation, paying no heed to the fact that it was barely 7am.
To: Percy Weasley
From: Gawain Robards
Dear Mr Weasley,
Well, I must say I’m very pleased you’ve decided to return to civil service. If you have not made enquiries for your favoured positions yet, may I suggest a return to the Department of International Magical Cooperation? I realise you might not wish to return to your old stomping ground, but the days of Crouch Snr are long gone. There’s currently a big push to change the ideologies of countries who are rather lax when it comes to policing the dark arts. It will be a long battle but there may come a day when Durmstrang ceases teaching it to their students. You might find being part of such a movement fulfilling.
Or, I may be looking for an Assistant Head myself. To tell the truth, I would not have thought of it until Mr Macmillan, a Hufflepuff who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, enquired about a position without actually being a “blood and guts” Auror, as he put it. I have not yet decided whether such a position is warranted, but if you are interested, it may sway me in favour.
I hope you find the news helpful in your career resurrection.
Yours Sincerely,
Gawain Robards
Working life is the pits. Being an intern is the pits. Down with the bourgeoisie.
I am literally dying to tell the other Hufflepuffs about Wayne and Louise. It is taking all my self-control not to divulge. Remembering that Ernie and Hannah still have deep dislike for me helps but now I miss them. Maybe I could just tell one other Hufflepuff…?
As everyone has been closely following the saga of my knickers, I thought you’d all like to know the good news. I have them back! After a little persuasion- modelling them It turns out they are no longer needed in the investigation.
Take THAT, Cornfoot.
I’m fine. According to the Hit Wizards at my house when I got home just now, there was some concern about that. Sorry.
Warded to Susan Bones
Merlin, Suse! I’m so sorry. I thought someone was following me when I was on my way back from work last night and I got sort of freaked out and Apparated to Dad’s place. I meant to let you know but my journal was at home and, obviously, Dad doesn’t have an owl or a Floo or anything and then… it just slipped my mind. I’m sorry. I’m total rubbish.
I’m glad May is nearly over. Hopefully June will be better.
Read moreBirthday present shopping DONE!
I’m looking forward to June. I have a feeling that it’ll good month. The HHRA should be announcing an event very soon once we’ve hammered out some final details.
AND I get to go to Egypt for a few days with work for a training exercise.
Read moreDo you think they’ve finally finished panic-arresting people and pointing fingers willy-nilly? The last ridiculous rumour I heard was a good couple of weeks ago. (Apparently Sylvie Fawcett paid Terence Higgs to do the dirty deed, which is absurd on so many levels.)
Read moreAnother Orpington?
Hair found on Xavier Orpington’s body belongs to his biological child — but who is it?
Today we had a report of a rogue dragon come in. Too bad it turned out to be non-existent. A bit of mortal peril would’ve been an exciting end to the week. Also, I don’t think people appreciate how much effort it is for us to get all our kit on when they decide to waste our time.
Read moreSo, Orpington’s secret child is the one who killed him, then? Can somebody please explain to me exactly when Helga’s Hill became the setting of a soap opera?
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