November 2001
Tom Pippin
1 November 2001
Lucinda’s OK. We’re taken her to St Mungo’s for observation but I’m sure she’ll be discharged soon.
Alfie wants me to relay to everyone thanks for compliments on his dragon costume but he wasn’t a dragon, actually, he was a “charizard”. Which is like a dragon but better. Apparently. I’m not a Pokemon master so please don’t ask me for details.
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Taliesyn Robards
3 November 2001
Owl Post
To: Romilda Vane
From: Taliesyn Robards
Dear Romilda,
Happy birthday.
I hope today brings you all that your heart desires.
Yes, that’s really Felix Felicis. Please feel free to use if you ever find yourself in a spot of bother. — Tali
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Penny Diggle
3 November 2001
Everyone should wish my sister a very happy birthday because today is her birthday! She is 24! Happy birthday Portia!
love from Penny xx
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Lucinda Vane
3 November 2001
(no, i don’t know what i meant on halloween. but that’s not the strange part, is it? people say things without understanding what they mean all the time, if you think about it. the strange part is that i don’t remember any of it. that’s less common.
the other strange part was being in st. mungo’s as a patient instead of a healer. it’s been years since i’ve seen it from this perspective. an interesting experience, but i’m glad to be home now.)
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Astoria Greengrass
3 November 2001
My kitten keeps getting bigger. I wish there was a way I could make her stay tiny and cute forever.
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Ernie Macmillan
4 November 2001
RP: Cross words
Who: Ernie Macmillan, AJ Singh
Where: Ernie and Lavender’s flat
When: Morning
Seeing the Daily Prophet crossword already done (terribly, he may add) was like a slap in the face, one that Ernie certainly couldn’t take on a Monday morning.
“Andrew!” he yelled from the kitchen.
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Verity Jenkins
5 November 2001
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Verity Weasley
5 November 2001
RP: Wedding
Who: George and Verity Weasley and guests!
Where: The Burrow
When: All day
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Dot Spinks
6 November 2001
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
Are you ill?
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Alicia Spinnet
7 November 2001
It’s a good thing I’m probably never getting married, because damn, way to set the bar high. Why did we ever let you two get married first?
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Parvati Patil
7 November 2001
Verity and George’s wedding was so lovely and sweet. I think no one else can even begin to contend for the crown of the most colourful wedding of the year!
On that note, does anyone else keep finding rainbow glitter in their hair? I don’t even know where it came from.
Now I feel even more impatient for my own wedding day! Dancing with Nitin at the Weasley wedding was amazing and it made me feel so thankful that we were introduced.
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Taliesyn Robards
7 November 2001
RP: Potions
Who: Taliesyn Robards, Romilda Vane
Where: J. Pippin’s
When: Around lunchtime
Tali wanted to see how long he could go without seeing Romilda after the potion wore off. The answer was… two days.
So right now he was at J Pippin’s, wondering if they had a suggestion box, so he could suggest they invest in some taller shelves. There was nowhere to hide, so he grabbed a pamphlet and stood around reading all about the illnesses everyone should watch out for now that winter was upon them.
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Taliesyn Robards
7 November 2001
I have no more potion. But it’s fine. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
I said goodbye without a care in the world. Then I went to a wedding. It was fine, sweet, lovely. I had a pleasant time and went home and slept well.
This morning I woke up feeling like Cupid had shot me in the ribs repeatedly. They feel fractured. I’m not kidding. The wedding did not help. What had been a nice memory was now agony to picture. This is what you’ll never have, Tali. Life is hopeless. You might as well die now while you still have people around to discover your body and give you a funeral instead of in 80 years, when you will be completely alone and your corpse eaten by corgis.
I almost thought of checking into St Mungos but that would have meant getting out of bed earlier than strictly necessary, so no thanks. I think I’ll just lie here, surrounded by dark, bleak thoughts. But not all the time. Oh no. When I am tormented by anguish I am consumed with lust instead. It makes for some interesting mood swings but wow, withdrawal is terrible.
Should have said something. But I would also sooner fall through the earth than do that, really.
Things accomplished at work today:
- locked the office and hid under the desk for good measure when one of the finance chaps came around. I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE BUDGET TODAY, OK.
- told several people to “go stamp yourself”.
- wrote memos from me, to me. It went like this:
I feel ill. I’m going home.
Ill with what?
I am heartsick. That is a real sickness. I am going home to lie in bed with the covers over my head.
Is it contagious?
Too bad. Get back to your post.
Fine. But I’m not doing anything that requires me to lift my head from the desk.
It’s evening. I’m calmer now. Sad still, lustful still, but oh well. Such is life.
Too tired to cook so I ate leftover cake. Not sure I like vegan cake. Tastes like regret.
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Gawain Robards
7 November 2001
RP: O Gawain, where art thou?
Who: Robards family
Where: 6 Helga’s Hill Road
When: Late
Tali had just gotten into bed when he heard the tapping at his window. He froze. What the hell was that? He sat up and glanced down at Watson. Watson looked up at the window quizzically but did not bark.
Should have got a Rottweiler, Tali thought.
His feet hit the floor and inched over to the window. The tapping continued. Tali made sure his wand was handy, took a deep breath and pulled open the curtain.
Idris’s face was pressed against the glass.
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Louisa Macnair
8 November 2001
Warded to Fliss, Tamara, Issy, Tristan, Dot, Verity, Romilda, Astoria
The most embarrassing thing happened to me today. I was waiting for Wayne in the town square after work and I suddenly felt something wet on my head. I reached my hand up and… it was a pigeon. A pigeon had deposited something wet and gross on my head. And of course Wayne chooses that moment to turn up before I can even try and clean it off.
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Daily Prophet
9 November 2001
Gavin Orpington — a tragic victim
Fighting the cousin he never knew he had for an inheritance that should be his
Portia Diggle
9 November 2001
Tragic victim my arse. If the inheritance is rightfully anyone’s, it’s Penny’s. But I can’t do anything about it — can’t even set the record straight — because the last thing I want is to drag it all up now. Penny doesn’t deserve that. She genuinely seems to have moved on. Either she’s forgotten who the father is, or she just doesn’t care. Probably the latter. She always did live solely in the present.
I don’t want to go to this stupid fucking baby shower and hang out with a bunch of Hufflepuffs but there’s no way out of it and I can’t even get ragingly drunk beforehand. Guess I’ll just have to get ragingly drunk afterwards. At home, and probably alone, because Sasha would have my head if the press caught me doing something stupid in public.
Fuck it all.
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Blaise Zabini
9 November 2001
So, this Blue Moon Ball. Is this the sort of event where a date is necessary, or is it worth trying one’s luck on the night?
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Cary Robards
10 November 2001
OK, so I have found my motorbike, but the locking charms have it wrapped up tighter than Astoria’s pants something that’s really tight. If you know how to break ‘em, get in touch! I’m sure I can come up with something to make it a fair use of your time. I tried to look for clues in this journal but it’s blank. Or it’s blank to me. There may actually be all sorts of juicy secrets in it. If you know how to break those, get in touch.
Since I have no motorbike all my Sunday plans are in disarray. Ask me anything or tell me a joke; I’m as gloomy and bored as they come.
PS: Tali, give me my jumper back. You don’t have the panache to wear it.
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Tom Pippin
10 November 2001
Crap, knew I forgot something.
Warded to Romilda Vane
How would you like to go spy on some Germans?
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Romilda Vane
10 November 2001
Unexpected trip! Looks like I’m headed to the International Potions Fair on in Frankfurt on Tuesday. I’m going to have to find time to pack before or after work tomorrow! Exciting!
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
Is there anything you’d like me to try and buy for you at the fair? Equipment and that sort of thing, I mean. And how is the chest hair?
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Wayne Hopkins
11 November 2001
Help, who’s good with hair charms?
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Alex Derrick
12 November 2001
Most people would take the hint when you say “there’s only one bedroom and one bed” and find somewhere else to stay. Not my sister. Ah well. Nice baby shower she dragged me to. I hope Penny liked the gift I brought.

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Grace Derrick
12 November 2001
He forgot to tell you it’s his birthday today. Always such a modest boy, our Alex.
You’re right, Penny — this is fun.
Oh, and Alex — I found some old herbs in bags that were stinking up your room. I threw them out.
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Percy Weasley
13 November 2001
While I personally don’t find it embarrassing that my younger brother got married before I did, it’s clear that many of my family members feel differently. If I had a knut for every awkward conversation (“interrogation” may be a more appropriate term in some cases) I had to endure leading up to and during the wedding… well, I’d probably be able to use it to fund my own wedding, were such an event on the horizon.
Warded to Emelda Vane
I’m sorry that you had to endure the intrusive questions as well. I thought I’d set everyone straight as to the state of my love life, but I should’ve known better than to think that any amount of forewarning could stop my Auntie Muriel from assuming that you were my steady girlfriend.
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Taliesyn Robards
13 November 2001
Warded to Dorothy Spinks
Can you feed Watson tonight? I won’t be home.
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Wayne Hopkins
13 November 2001
Warded to Benjamin Macnair
So now that my hair’s back to normal… Do you have any real tips for meeting your mother?
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Taliesyn Robards
13 November 2001
RP: Intentions
Who: Taliesyn Robards, Romilda Vane
Where: Hotel in Frankfurt, Germany
When: Late evening
Tali hadn’t quite expected the hotel to be Muggle and had to make a hasty U-turn when he caught sight of the television in the lobby. He ducked into the closest alleyway and spend half an age shoving the Firebolt into his knapsack. Cary had promised it was bigger on the inside but it wasn’t infinite, and there were several other things inside he didn’t want squashed. He managed to get it closed but one end still poked into his back uncomfortably. A minor inconvenience, really, given that he’d just flown 300 miles in the rain.
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Parvati Patil
14 November 2001
I’ve booked myself a few days off work, so I have a four-day weekend ahead of me! Looking forward to spending some time with my favourite twin (and the rest of the family) for Diwali.
This morning, I plan to clean, then I’m going to make some ladoo and peda, thus undoing all the good work I’ve been doing dieting for the wedding.
Yes, AJ, I’m going to put some sweets aside for you.
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Romilda Vane
14 November 2001
Warded to Heidi MacDonald
Heeeeeeeidi! You’ll never guess what happened to me last night.
Warded to Emelda Vane
Taliesyn showed up at my hotel room in Frankfurt last night. I feel like I’ll burst if I don’t tell someone.
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Cary Robards
14 November 2001
RP: A date
Who: Astoria Greengrass, Cary Robards
Where: 6 Helga’s Hill Road, then elsewhere
When: Afternoon
At long last — three days — Cary had his motorcycle back, but he now owed three of friends enormous favours. He had wanted them to name their price before they helped, but Heidi was indecisive and he had needed their assistance badly enough. He could count on Andrei not to ask for anything demanding but not the girls. Oh well. It was an issue for another time.
Right he was leant against the front gate, waiting for Astoria to appear.
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Susan Bones
14 November 2001
The last three days have been utterly exhausting but at the same time absolutely incredible. I’m so glad I decided to come! The International Potions Trade Fair has been amazing — so many things to see, so many people to talk to — that it would have been worth going for the inspiration alone. I can’t wait to get back home and start experimenting! But it’s also been wonderful from a business point of view — I’ve made so many notes and taken about a dozen business cards from suppliers (which all sounds rather dull I know, but is going to be so useful)! And I spoke to a lovely young man who was extremely helpful; but Tom, it wasn’t until after he gave me his card that I realised he was from Bayer Tränke. Sorry! (He was very nice, though, and he just laughed when I told him he was the mortal enemy of J. Pippin’s.)
The trade fair is over now, but I’m staying one more day to do a bit more sightseeing and shopping, and then I’ll be back tomorrow evening. It really is lovely here — although I admit I’ll be glad to get back to British cuisine.
Auf Wiedersehen!

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Astoria Greengrass
15 November 2001
Owl Post
To: Cary Robards
From: Astoria Greengrass
Dear Cary,
I’ll have you know that I woke up today with an enormous bruise on my leg. But I’m more concerned about a smaller one you appear to have left on my neck… Fortunately it is scarf weather.
Were you able to rescue your motorbike?
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Zach Smith
15 November 2001
I don’t understand why preparations for the Blue Moon Ball require so much planning when they are essentially the same year after year.
I also hope none of you believe the silly superstition surrounding the event.
And anyone sneaking upstairs — not that you could possibly get that far, but just in case — to try to have sex in one of the spare rooms will be ejected. I don’t know who started that unofficial superstition but it’s just as untrue as the other two.
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Seamus Finnigan
15 November 2001
Well, that was exciting. I didn’t realize I knew how to polka.
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Taliesyn Robards
16 November 2001
I think everyone’s day would be brighter if it started with a picture of a cute dog. So here you go:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Warded to Romilda Vane
Would you like to come over for dinner sometime next week? Say, Tuesday? Though it doesn’t have to be Tuesday. The date isn’t important. But it should be as soon as possible whenever’s convenient for you as you are much busier than I.
And after dinner it’s… not necessary that you leave. Straight away. You can stay till, you know, a time of your choosing. Whatever time suits your fancy. As long as you like. Just saying.
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Sebastian Stebbins
16 November 2001
A productive morning getting inked. Or re-inked, as the case may be.
Now to decide what to do with the rest of the day. Maybe I’ll steal my nephew and do something fun.
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Astoria Greengrass
16 November 2001
I dreamt of Alexander again. We were dancing at a party and it was so nice, but then I had to go and — pick something up from I’m not sure where? And instead I just kept walking and walking for what seemed like hours and it was dark and I was worried I wouldn’t get there, but I don’t think I even knew where there was. And then I woke up.
Sometimes I want to owl him but that wouldn’t be appropriate. I certainly couldn’t tell him he was in my dream.
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Daily Prophet
17 November 2001
Genevieve and Harriet get cosy!
Portia Diggle and Adair Liath have an intimate lunch with co-stars Stella Chambers and Christian Cavanaugh
Heidi MacDonalds
17 November 2001
They are so shagging.
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Humphrey Winfield-Hayes
17 November 2001
Thanks, Blaise, I never knew you were so generous. And with Christmas more than a month away, too!
Do you think you could impress the same charitable spirit upon your similarly monied friend Higgs?
Warded to Alexander Derrick
Good news. Might get a belated birthday present for my favourite dealer-slash-mate.
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Emelda Vane
18 November 2001
I apologise if I offended anyone today. I was not in control of my actions.
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Gawain Robards
19 November 2001
I love the smell of anniversaries in the morni… no wait. That’s tomorrow. Phew! Because today I’ve got nothing.
Though, mind you, after last year, I’m not sure my dear Cecilia deserves anything. I got her a ring. She got me a card.
“A card? What’s silver about this?”
“Wrote the message with a silver quill,” she says.
“Where’d you get a silver quill?”
“Present from the boys.”
“Is it a silver quill like this?” I take mine out. It’s obviously identical to hers.
“Where’d you get that?”
“Present from the boys. Gee, wonder why.”
“Bloody Cary didn’t name the occasion.”
“Maybe he thought the date made it obvious.”
She concedes defeat. But not quite. Her eyes roll. “C’mon, Gawain, like you actually care.”
Well, she’s correct about that. I don’t care. I really, really don’t. But I mean, quid pro quo, right?
So, the 26th. Traditionally, nothing’s important till the 30th but in this modern age you never know. I haven’t been told it’s the anniversary of not caring so better safe than sorry. I asked around at work what themes they’ve got for all the lesser anniversaries and boy whoever came up with the list is totally bonkers. Land for the 41st? Improved real estate for the 42nd? Romantic! (Mind you, those may be pragmatic but miles better than the 44th — groceries, I kid you not. What a comedown that’s gonna be.)
So the 26th is “original pictures”. I’ve got this. Boys, we’re all going portrait-sitting tomorrow.
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Romilda Vane
19 November 2001
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Roni Smethley
21 November 2001
I do not know why I was reading that book all night. I am okay at charms and I do not like reading. But I could not stop.
I am very tired. Maybe I should sleep.
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Daily Prophet
22 November 2001
Cruppy love!
Gavin Orpington and Adair Liath walk their crups together — but what about Portia Diggle? Where does Adair’s heart lie?
AJ Singh
22 November 2001
Don’t let anyone tell you you need a date for the Blue Moon Ball thing. The PARTY will be departing from the Singh house and all are welcome.
Don’t make me name names.
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Sally-Anne Perks
22 November 2001
I have been so busy this week! I think there are lots of people who keep coming to town on the off chance that they might get to see Christian Cavanaugh wandering around somewhere.
Someone came to town without planning, though. They were taking their Apparation test and they landed on top of my while I was walking back from buying some eggs. All my eggs broke and my neck got hurt, but the shop has been so busy that I haven’t even had time to have it looked at, which makes sleeping kind of uncomfortable, but I’m just pleased that we’re getting lots of customers because it means that other shops must be too.
I made myself sad the other day when I realised that all our old Christmas decorations were lost in the fire so it feels like it isn’t going to be the same this year.
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Ben Macnair
23 November 2001
I just saw Christian Cavanaugh in Helga’s Hideaway, buying a cardigan. I’m thinking if he ever was sleeping with Stella, he wouldn’t be now.
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Dot Spinks
23 November 2001
I can’t
I can’t
I miss my mum
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Heidi MacDonalds
24 November 2001
I just saw someone in Higher Grounds wearing a Team Portia t-shirt! I have two things to say about this:
2) Where can I get one???
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Isolde Montgomery
24 November 2001
Thank fuck for Ronnie or I’d be a fifth wheel in my own house.
Dear Couples of the World,
You’re the worst.
No love,
Your Single Friends
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Mandy Brocklehurst
24 November 2001
Warded to R98
What do you say to all going to the Blue Moon Ball as a group? It’s not like any of has a date, right? Or wants one, in Syl’s case.
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Verity Weasley
24 November 2001
Warded to George Weasley
Sooooo, when do you want to tell everyone? And how???
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Stella Chambers
24 November 2001
I’m so sick of everyone speculating that I’m sleeping with Christian. I wouldn’t do that to Barney and it offends me that anyone would think that I would. Yeah, Christian is gorgeous and we have a great time working together, but I’m sure he doesn’t think of me that way. And I love Barney. I really do. I’ve always loved Barney. Since school.
And isn’t that how it is supposed to be? Cal and Elodie have been together since school, too, and they’re happy. And it isn’t like I wasn’t with other people before Barney. So I’m not just settling for what I think love is, right? Right.
I’m lucky and I don’t take it for granted.
I just wish Sasha would let me issue a statement saying it is all nonsense instead of this “Miss Chambers continues to enjoy a close working relationship with Mr Cavanaugh” line because I think it is hurting Barney’s feelings. Things were already rocky after everything with Jennie.
It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. I just want it to be easy again.
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Taliesyn Robards
24 November 2001
Warded to Romilda Vane
Um… I really miss you but it’s better if you uh, avoided this area today and possibly tomorrow because Dorothy is going through some several depression because her parents died. I mean, not recently. They didn’t die yesterday. But… sort of recently. I read it takes seven years to truly get over an emotional upheaval in that it becomes “history” and it’s been less than that.
So, probably best you don’t visit unless you want to be really sad. And I can tell you now second-hand grief is terrible. You feel sad, and then you feel useless, and then you feel guilty because you’re so useless. What can I say? “Sorry your parents are dead but if it helps my Mum is an orphan too but she’s an adult so… I guess that’s different. Though her mum did die when she was quite a bit younger. So there’s that. Nope, sorry, that probably doesn’t help I’m going to stop talking about myself now”?
Thank Merlin I’ve got Watson. She’ll see Watson. That’s a good start, right?
OK, I’ve got to go. I’m going to dig out all Watson’s baby pictures and make a collage. And then I have to help Ed figure out how to transport food through a solid door. Fun!
(Ugh, I shouldn’t be flippant at a time like this. Sorry.)
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Stephen Cornfoot
24 November 2001
RP: Friendship
Who: Stephen Cornfoot, Michael Corner
Where: The Salty Badger
When: Evening
“I think I actually preferred him when we weren’t related. I swear Gavin never used to be such a prat.” Stephen shook his head, annoyed that he had even brought his cousin up in conversation. He just wanted there to be a lot less drama in his life, but things never seemed to stay quiet for long.
“Anyway,” he said, standing up, “it’s my round.” He gestured at Mike’s nearly-empty glass. “Same again? There’s something I want to pick your brain about.”
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Wayne Hopkins
24 November 2001
RP: Family dinner
Who: Louisa Macnair, Wayne Hopkins, Benjamin Macnair, Katharina Jugson
Where: Katharina’s place, London
When: Evening
They apparated to her doorstep, and when they landed, Wayne’s stomach lurched. He closed his eyes and fought a wave of nausea brought on by nerves as much as the trip. He just hoped he wouldn’t be too nauseous to eat. That would be rude.
For the millionth time he reached up nervously to try to flatten his hair. He’d tried to gel it down neatly but then Louisa had made him wash it out and then they were running late so she’d dried it quickly and now it felt even poofier than usual. He felt like Louisa’s mother was going to take one look at him and realize he didn’t fit the bill at all, that he was some kid with a shaggy haircut and last year’s robes and a truly unremarkable bloodline and an unimpressive job…
Merlin, he’d thought he’d been nervous to have Louisa meet his parents, but this was a whole new level. “Well, here goes nothing,” he said, half to himself and half to Louisa, trying to sound more upbeat than he felt.
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Taliesyn Robards
25 November 2001
Owl Post
To: Romilda Vane
From: Taliesyn Robards
Dear Romilda,
I’m sorry we couldn’t see each other yesterday.
But then I thought, that’s no reason why you should have to miss out on absolutely everything.
So I’ve still made you a bacon sandwich.
PS: If this owl is too early and woke you up, I’m so sorry.
PPS: If this owl is too late and you’ve already eaten, I’m so sorry.
PPPS: I thought of delivering it personally but I didn’t want to risk running into Matilda, who’d probably confiscate my gift and then chase me down the street.
[Package contains one hot bacon sandwich well-wrapped in greaseproof paper and a thermos of tea.]
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Dot Spinks
25 November 2001
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
I called in sick to work and I’m going to go stay with my granddad for a few days. Just to let you know.
Sorry if I ruined your weekend.
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Hannah Abbott
25 November 2001
Yesterday some bi girl tried to take the set of dressrobes at Mirror, Mirror which perfectly matched the shoes I’d picked out for the occasion and things got a bit heated.
That said, I’m the proud owner of the perfect set of dressrobes for Saturday night.
And she’s not.
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Daisy Radford
25 November 2001
If it is one month until Christmas why can’t I start my Advent calendar today?
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Sasha Capper
25 November 2001
Stella and Portia are making me so rich that I could almost say ’sod my parents’ and let myself get disowned but—
Warded to Astoria Greengrass
Might I offer a bit of friendly advice?
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Tristan Montgomery
25 November 2001
RP: Best laid plans
Who: Tristan Montgomery, Tom Pippin
Where: Tom’s flat
When: Evening
Tristan was sitting quite happily on Tom’s couch, flipping through a magazine, with her long legs stretched out in front of her and crossed at the ankles. It was nice to be able to come here and relax after a long day at the office. As much as she loved her sisters (and Ronnie), it could get to be a bit much at their house sometimes (especially when Gwen and Terence were actually around).
She paused in her idle page flipping for a moment and glanced at a few photographs of men in formalwear from The Curl & the Flame premiere. They looked rather dashing. She couldn’t wait to see Tom in a similar get-up in a few days time.
“Darling?” she called, not sure exactly where he’d gotten to. “What color did you say your dressrobes for the ball are?”
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Tristan Montgomery
25 November 2001
Warded to Gwen, Issy, Ronnie, & Ben
Tom’s chucked me and I—
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Astoria Greengrass
26 November 2001
Owl Post
To: Cary Robards
From: Astoria Greengrass
Dear Cary,
Thank you for inviting me to the Blue Moon Ball, but regretfully I must decline. In fact I think it would be for the best if we stopped seeing each other.
I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better and I hope to remain
Your friend,
Astoria Greengrass
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Amity Singh
26 November 2001
If anyone is willing to serve as a character witness for my sister in her trial, please let me know. The proceedings are now underway and we need people to testify that Audrey isn’t the kind of person who sets fires of her own accord.
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Mandy Brocklehurst
26 November 2001
Warded to R98 & H98
Oh sweet Merlin, I think a photographer just snapped a shot of Gavin Orpington chatting to me at the Grotto. If I get dragged into this “Team So-and-So” nonsense just because the man bought me a drink, my head may explode. I have exams coming up to prepare for. I don’t have time for this!
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Andrei Capper
27 November 2001
Owl Post
To: Andrei Capper
From: Imogen Stretton
Darling Andrei,
Guess what? I’m getting married! Isn’t that wonderful? I’d invite you to the wedding but I really don’t want any desperate single people glooming up the event. Still holding out for true love? Let me know how that’s working out for you. I know you weren’t made to be alone; you told me that yourself how much you hate it. Gosh, I do hope you find someone before your soul withers and dies.
Still, unlike the rest of us, at least you do have a fall-back option. Your mother can find you someone! I can’t wait to see the day you admit defeat and submit to your destiny.
PS: I didn’t actually write this just to gloat. Diagon did a smash-and-grab job on Hogsmeade on Saturday so when they play you next round they’re going to be really, really angry. It’s gonna be carnage. I’ve got the tickets already!
PPS: Or you could forfeit upfront and save us the trouble. Though that would be a pity. We were hoping to use you as match-day training.
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Andrei Capper
27 November 2001
You know, I’d really like to meet Imogen’s fiance. Firstly to check if he’s real, and secondly, I want to see what kind of person would want to commit himself to that for life. I’ll take him out for a few drinks. And if he turns out to be a good bloke I’m going to slip poison in his drink because it’d be doing him a kindness.
And now for the Quidditch. Fuck, why am I supposed to be organising it? I don’t want this. Not my fucking responsibility. I washed my hands of it last season. But if I don’t care, do we forfeit? I suppose it’s either forfeit or get smashed by Hogsmeade. Fucking hell, talk about a rock and a hard place.
Least the Ball might be fun. None of my friends have their relationship shit together so we can get plastered in solidarity. Hurrah.
Er, look, apparently it started last weekend and Diagon pulled off some miraculous victory against Hogsmeade, whom we’re supposed to play on the 7th. I promise not to be too obsessed about it but it’d be good if we could get in at least one practice after the Ball and before next Saturday, yeah? If we even have a team. Let me know if you’re keen, I guess.
Warded to Romilda Vane
How come you’re not going to the Ball?
Also, does J Pippin’s sell poison
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Gwen Montgomery
27 November 2001
Warded to Issy, Ter, Ronnie, Tom, & Tristan’s Friends
Does anyone know what’s going on with Tristan? She’s acting off.
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Hannah Abbott
27 November 2001
Warded to Henry Radford
Oi. Radford. I need a word.
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Henry Radford
27 November 2001
Warded to Susan Bones
I wish you had told me how important the ball was to you.
Your friend is unpleasant
I’ve heard a rumor that you’re not planning to attend the Blue Moon Ball this weekend, is that true?
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Sally-Anne Perks
27 November 2001
Muffin wants to help me pick out my shoes for the Blue Moon Ball!

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Susan Bones
28 November 2001
Warded to Hannah Abbott
Henry asked me to the ball. I presume this is your doing? I won’t ask you what you said to him because I’m not sure I want to know but thank you.
So… this is it. No more secrets, no more hiding.
And I have two days to put together an outfit. Where’s a fairy godmother when you need one?
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AJ Singh
28 November 2001
Change of plans. Sorry to say I won’t make it to the ball, turns out I’ll be at Mungo’s. But for anyone who’s looking to go with a group the party is still leaving from the Singh place! Knowing my family I’m sure there will be pre-party snacks made available.
Warded to Percy Weasley & Katie Bell
Can you two make sure Audrey still goes? She deserves a bit of fun.
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Lavender Brown
28 November 2001
Warded to Parvati & Seamus
I just want my mum this month to be over and done with already.
Not that I’m greatly looking forward to another Christmas alone either.
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Matilda Vane
28 November 2001
I’ve finished making my robes for the ball! Now I need to perfect this hair charm and my costume will be all set…
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Ben Macnair
29 November 2001
Warded to Tristan Montgomery
Warded to Ben’s male friends
Purely hypothetically
A friend of mine wants to know
I was reading a book and— shut up you don’t read
I have a question: how long after someone has broken up with someone else before you can make a move without being a total jerk?
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Terence Higgs
29 November 2001
RP: Poker
Who: Terence Higgs, Dorothy Spinks
Where: A swanky joint in Diagon
When: Evening
Terence had expected Dorothy to show the same amount of resistance toward his poker plans as she had at his first summons, but she was surprisingly… if not enthusiastic, at least direct. He met her outside the club. She looked passable.
“Wasn’t sure that you’d show,” he remarked.
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AJ Singh
30 November 2001
Warded to Parvati Patil
I don’t know what to do about Lavender. She asked for space so I’m giving her space but it’s been a week now and it feels like — I just don’t know what she wants from me.
And normally after the full I’d come over and take care of her and… I just want her to know I’m thinking of her. Maybe I should send a note? Flowers? Maybe I am supposed to show up?
Help, Parvati. Clearly I need it. Everything I do is wrong.
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Parvati Patil
30 November 2001
Warded to Lavender Brown
Thinking of you today, sweetie. xxx
I was thinking, what if we plan a Christmas party together? Because you absolutely need a reason to get dolled up, let your hair down and drink far too much after this month. Also, I really want mulled wine and a chance to plan something that has absolutely nothing to do with the HHRA or the wedding.
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Romilda Vane
30 November 2001
RP: A salacious comment
Who: Romilda Vane, Taliesyn Robards
Where: The Vane house
When: Before the Blue Moon Ball
Getting ready for the ball, Romilda had spent as much time primping and getting ready as she dared without her sisters complaining that she was spending too much time in the bathroom. Not only was this her first real public date with Tali, but Andrei had seriously pissed her off, so she wanted to feel extra fabulous tonight. Her hair now gleamed in gentle curls and she had made sure that her lipstick wasn’t going to smudge even the tiniest bit.
She practically flew down the stairs when she heard the knocker, pausing for a moment to compose herself before she opened the door. “Hi, Tali.” Romilda greeted him with a wide smile. “Would you like to come in?”
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Isolde Montgomery
30 November 2001
RP: You just made my night
Who: Seamus Finnigan, Isolde Montgomery
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
Isolde was on the hunt for someone to amuse her. Everyone seemed to have disappeared for this reason or that one. She’d be a bit concerned about Tristan getting out of her sight when she was so down, but Issy was fairly sure her twin had gone off with Ben and he’d be good company at least.
Finally, she spotted someone she liked hiding on a bench practically obscured under a large willow. She headed over to flop down beside him with a grin. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, Seamus, but I’ve been told that the point of social events is, you know, socializing.”
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Hannah Abbott
30 November 2001
RP: Hating Zacharias brings people together
Who: Hannah Abbott, Michael Corner
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
Hannah scowled across the garden at Zacharias as he pratted around the place bossing people about and generally acting like he had an enormous stick up his arse (per usual). Honestly, Hannah had never known a person who could be about to undergo trial for assault and still act so completely and utterly holier-than-thou.
“Ugh, I cannot stand him,” she grumbled to her drink and whoever happened to be standing nearby.
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Idris Robards
30 November 2001
RP: Do blondes have more fun?
Who: Matilda Vane, Idris Robards
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
Idris walked around, surveying his kingdom. Yes, this would do very nicely, very nicely indeed. Who cared if he didn’t love his girlfriend when he could have all this? He had been in love, well, chemically-assisted love, and it had gotten him nowhere. What a pointless emotion.
Besides, he could love Sepphora eventually. He’d have a whole lifetime to try, after all. What did his mother know, anyway?
He walked out onto the patio and spied a blonde head among the gardens. Obviously Sepphora. Now might be a good time to try. He walked up to her silently and slipped his arms around her from behind.
“Hello, darling.” He pressed a long kiss against her cheek.
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Wayne Hopkins
30 November 2001
RP: Blue Moon Ball kiss
Who: Wayne Hopkins, Louisa Macnair
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
Wayne didn’t dance, as a rule. He’d even attended the Yule Ball in 4th year and spent the whole time sitting in a corner, ignoring his “date,” and staring longingly after Susan. And since then he’d pretty much avoided any event where dancing might be expected of him.
But tonight he realized, with some surprise, that he actually wanted to dance. That it was really rather nice to be out on the floor with Louisa, and not too hard even — since she showed him where to put his hands and then you just kind of swayed back and forth a bit.
A show-offy couple suddenly swooped by, executing a complicated maneuver of intricate steps and spins, ending in a small dip, and Wayne laughed softly into Louisa’s ear. “Sorry I can’t do that,” he said, but he was smiling — he was happy just as they were.
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Sebastian Stebbins
30 November 2001
RP: Dancing with a stranger
Who: Sebastian Stebbins, Felicity Eastchurch
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
Lots of girls in pretty dress robes, soft lighting, melodic music: it was the sort of evening romance was made for. Stebbins loved a bit of romance, but this all might have been too saccharine even for him if he hadn’t been helping himself to liberal measures of firewhiskey.
The trick seemed to be finding the right witch to approach. Just because they were alone didn’t necessarily mean they were alone; there might be a boyfriend or husband off fetching drinks. Then there were the ones who hung around in groups of other women, which was mildly off-putting as he didn’t want to be spotted eyeing up one woman only for her friend to get the wrong idea. The last thing he wanted was to upset anyone.
No, he wanted to try his luck with someone who was both alone and approachable, which admittedly narrowed down his list of options when he removed those who didn’t fit his preferred age range. Finishing his drink, he strolled over to one of the possible witches and extended his hand. “May I have this dance?”
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Cary Robards
30 November 2001
RP: A million questions
Who: Cary Robards, Romilda Vane
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
Tali had gone to chase after a particular waiter, which could mean he’d never make it back that evening. Cary seized his opportunity. There was nothing like keeping your mind off your own relationship disappointment by poking your nose into other people’s.
He approached Romilda. “You. I have a million questions.”
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Heidi MacDonalds
30 November 2001
RP: Not-so-secret boyfriend
Who: Heidi MacDonald, Astoria Greengrass
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
This ball may have been all about finding your soulmate — something Heidi was definitely not planning on doing — but she was having the time of her life regardless. There was champagne and fruity little cocktails, and she was starting to feel pleasantly light-headed. She caught the eye of a handsome bloke across the room, but she was happy just to give him a flirty look and then turn away. Later, who knew where things might lead, but right now she was focused on making sure all her single friends had a great time too. Yeah, she could be selfless when she wanted to.
As she turned around she bumped into someone else. “Whoops, sorry!” Heidi recognised Astoria and immediately looked around for Cary. “Where’s your not-so-secret boyfriend?”
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Heidi MacDonalds
30 November 2001
RP: A little alcohol
Who: Heidi MacDonald, Andrei Capper
Where: Smith Manor
When: During the Blue Moon Ball
In Heidi’s experience, there was no problem that a little alcohol didn’t solve. Or, in this case, a lot of alcohol. Clutching another two cocktails that she’d liberated from a waiter, she wove her way back through the crowd to where she’d left Andrei. “Bottoms up!” she said, thrusting one of the glasses into his hand and downing the other herself.
She’d lost count of how many drinks she’d had, but she was definitely starting to feel giddy. (And really, who cared when the cocktails were so tasty and slipped down so easily? The Smiths certainly knew how to put on a party.) “Want to dance?” Heidi asked Andrei, grabbing his hand. She’d make him enjoy himself whether he liked it or not.
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Mandy Brocklehurst
30 November 2001
RP: Confessions
Who: Mandy Brocklehurst, Stephen Cornfoot
Where: Smith Manor
When: After Gavin’s confession at the Blue Moon Ball
Mandy was feeling a bit dazed. She’d just seen Gavin Orpington tearfully confess to murdering his uncle and then be taken into custody by Henry Radford and dragged off presumably to the DMLE. They’d all seen it. Somehow, after seven months, she’d begun to think they’d never know who was the killer in their midst.
And she certainly hadn’t thought it would be someone who had been making romantic overtures towards her!
She glanced at Stephen when he appeared by her side and let out a heavy sigh. “I was dancing with him less than an hour ago.”
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Daisy Radford
30 November 2001
I’m at Frankie’s house and we had ice cream and we just saw Stephen kissing Mandy and it was gross!!!
Frankie says hi!
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Continue to December 2001