@dailyprophet 1 December 2001
Orpington confesses to murder
Gavin Orpington confesses that he murdered his uncle in a fit of rage

Orpington confesses to murder
Gavin Orpington confesses that he murdered his uncle in a fit of rage
Warded to Heidi MacDonald
I’ve only two things to say —
1. You’re a good friend.
2. Let’s never mention that again, yeah?
Wait, I’ve thought of a third thing.
3. Romilda and her new boyfriend. You knew, didn’t you?
Warded to Sally-Anne Perks
Sorry. You looked great and I should have paid more attention. Thanks for dancing with such a grump.
Warded to AJ Singh
What happened, mate?
To: Lavender Brown
From: AJ Singh
I hope you don’t think I haven’t been thinking about you. I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and just trying to give you the space you wanted. But I didn’t mean for us to break up. That’s not what I wanted and I hope that’s not what you really want either.
I’m sorry I was insensitive about the ball. I guess I just look at the situation right in front of me and I don’t always think about what else might be wrapped up in it, for you. I was just trying to make the best of a bad situation and I see now that I should’ve at least talked to you about it first.
I don’t know what else to say except I’m sorry. I miss you and I don’t want to lose you. I never meant to hurt you. Give me a chance to try harder?
One murderer taken into custody and dozens of couples set up for happily ever after*. Not a bad night’s work.
To the couple that snuck upstairs — so sorry for interrupting but Higgs started that superstition so you weren’t missing out on anything special. Though I’m sure you’ll still get the benefit of the two “traditional” superstitions so all’s not lost.
*Happily ever after not guaranteed — take it up with Helga herself if you feel cheated.
Read morePrivate
Fuck fuck shit goddamnit my fucking head.
I can’t believe I shagged Michael under the Blue Moon. What if that shit is actually true— Don’t be stupid, Hannah
But what if
Warded to Susan Bones
I need you to come get a hangover potion out of my bathroom cabinet for me.
To: Terence Higgs
From: Amelia Higgs
Please talk to your pet Hufflepuff fiancée and set a wedding date so that Mother will stop asking me every single day if you have set a wedding date. It’s as though she thinks you tell me things.
Much obliged,
To: Idris Robards
From: Matilda Vane
This is why my kind of image is better than yours.
[OOC: Mattie’s photographs were actually taken by these talented people.]
Read moreWarded to Astoria Greengrass
Just checking in that you have everything for the bridal shower and hen night sorted, darling! Wouldn’t want anything to fall through the cracks.
I have felt very paternal these last couple of days.
Today I saw two kids slip over in the snow and I utterly failed to laugh. I winced. And then I wanted to buy them ice-cream. Or a Firebolt each.
Warded to Dorothy Spinks
Must you be so reckless?
While I don’t wish to comment on Gavin Orpington specifically, I do hope that the weekend’s revelation allows the town to move on. I have come to greatly appreciate this community during my time here and I think it has a bright future ahead of it.
Warded to Mandy Brocklehurst
I enjoyed last night.
A heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders, the spectre of my biological father no longer clinging to my every move. Finally, I can breathe again and the air is clean and sweet. Now, the murderer has been arrested, I feel more secure, as though I can do anything with Mandy at my side.
Warded to Susan Bones
So you and Inspector Whatshisname, huh?
I hope those of you who got what you wanted at the Blue Moon Ball keep in mind how quickly the wind can turn. Please don’t fall into the trap of thinking, since they’re your soul-mate, everything in the relationship will be all sunshine all the time. Smug complacency will lead to disillusionment and suffering.
I have plenty of further warnings advice but let’s see how you get on left to your own devices first, eh?
Also, being so close to Christmas, spare a thought for the two people whom you owe your existence to while you’re busy being excited about your new lives with your freshly minted true love. They may enjoy thoughtful gifts! Perhaps you could even call upon them if you have some time away from being busy and important.
Read moreOwing to circumstances, everyone will be getting handmade presents for Christmas this year. Sisters, please stay out of my room until further notice!
P.S. Can someone teach me how to crochet?
Read moreThe hero and the villain
The heroic work of Henry Radford wore down the murderer of Gavin Orpington with his relentless investigation skills. But why is the DMLE so quiet?
If you’re looking for ideas for your Christmas gifts, here’s one: gift certificates for a Divination consultation with yours truly. Your giftee can redeem them in the form of their choosing— palm, Tarot, or tea leaves. (I can’t See shit in a crystal ball. Don’t ask me to try.) 20% off when you buy three or more — if you’re interested you can find me at the front desk at Sampson and Delilah most days.
Now who knows a good charm for selective deafness? Because we’ve only been playing Christmas music on loop for five days but if we have to keep this up until the 25th I think I may have to kill myself.
Read moreI thought Penny was too pregnant to do, well, anything, but today she cleaned the whole house from top to bottom, reorganised the pantry and the linen closet, and right now she’s cooking about three different things at once which she informs me she’s going to freeze. She was also talking about putting up new curtains in the lounge but I think I’ve managed to talk her out of that because the thought of her standing on a chair scares the hell out of me. The whole thing is kind of alarming, actually. Is this normal? I feel tired just watching her.
Oh, and if I never hear the words Braxton Hicks again it will be too soon.
Read moreI’m going to be in the kitchen today making up some tasty Christmas treats for the coffee shop.
First on my list is gingerbread. I think I’m going to make gingerbreadmen and also gingerbread BADGERS because I think they will look super cute with Christmas hats iced onto them.
Read moreWarded to Gwen Montgomery
Maybe we should give moving in together another try.
What is that noise? Heidi, can you hear that?
Read moreSince everyone else brought up the subject of Christmas presents, it would be rather remiss of me not to mention all the fabulous gifts we have at Heaven Scent! Our Candy Cane bubble bath will actually turn your bathwater red and white striped, whereas the Snowball bath bombs will create enough foam for you to build your own snowman from the bubbles. For the citrus lovers, there’s the Oh My Darling Clementine range, and anyone who’s a fan of glitter should take a look at the Sugar Plum Fairy products. And, if you’ve already shopped till you’ve dropped, there’s always my Good For The Sole foot soak to ease your weary feet.
And as if all that wasn’t incentive enough, everyone who buys something between now and Christmas will be entered into a prize draw to win a basket of goodies for the New Year!
If there are still any men reading at this point, I’d just like to point out that December tends to be the month when we see the most men cross the threshold, so don’t be shy, gents! If you’re looking for a present for the special women in your life but don’t have a clue what to buy, either myself or my two lovely shop assistants will be more than happy to help you pick something out.
Warded to H98
Christmas dinner party chez moi on Friday 20th December, 7pm! Please say you can all come. There will be delicious food. There will be party games. There will be lots of wine so that no one will be able to resist taking part in the aforementioned games.
R.S.V.P. by the 15th!
Aphrodite’s Adornments. Pick up Nora’s Christmas present from the jewellers.
Happy birthday Alicia!
Warded to Helga’s Heroes
I know we haven’t had much practice time, but we’re all fucking amazing so let’s go out there and smash the Hogsmeade lot, yeah? And I mean that in the most sportsmanly (and sportswomanly) way possible. Keep it clean, folks.
If we win, I’m buying everyone cake.
Warded to Sisters Vane
Are we doing individual presents for Mam and Dad this year? Or together?
Also, do you think they would like a photo of the four of us? We do have a brilliant photographer in our midst, after all!
Who: Andrei Capper
Where: From the Salty Badger, down Badger Den Road, up to Felicity’s building
When: Late evening
Andrei stumbled out of the Salty Badger, feeling both on top of the world and also like he’d enjoy lying down and not moving for a while. Some fresh air would clear his head. He set off toward his house.
Life was OK. He didn’t care about Romilda’s new boyfriend once he’d gotten over the shock. Why shouldn’t she have a little fun? Not too much fun. But a little fun. The amount of fun just below the level before he’d be totally erased from her memories, because, well, “why would I need those anymore?”
Hello! My name is Frankie! This is my sister’s journal and this is Daisy’s special quill. Daisy and I are selling peppermint hot cocoa today so you should come buy some!
Daisy will also draw your portrait, if you like!
Read morePrivate
I may not ever get to hear Christmas songs again, but at least now I’m rolling in Galleons. I mean, I could literally go to my vault at Gringotts and lie down and roll in my money just because. So fuck her. Stupid bitch.
I wish I could share this with Edmund, but he wouldn’t understand. I’d also love to shove this in Aunt Joo’s face, but I can’t do that either. It’s not enough, anyway. Not yet. But I can win more, and then Ed and I won’t have to worry about anything and no one will have to feel sorry for me.
Besides, it’s enough to buy everyone great presents for Christmas. And me! I’m getting myself a whole new winter wardrobe. The boys won’t notice. Boys never do notice clothes.
It’s winter!
Who: Taliesyn Robards, Romilda Vane
Where: Robards HQ, Vane House
When: Late evening
Cecilia had invited all her friends over for dinner and to view the portraits that Gawain had commissioned. Dinner was almost tolerable but the portrait viewing was excruciating for Tali. He felt the artist had not captured his essence at all. This normally would have been met with resignation and a shrug of the shoulders, if the artist hadn’t made him look far better, thus leading to an alarming amount of fawning, and many, many suggestions as to what he could do to align more closely with his two-dimensional self.
Unsurprisingly, his own suggestion that he offer Daisy his palette and paints and let her dab whatever colours on his face as she pleased was not met with approval.
Tali excused himself, ostensibly to use the bathroom, but now that he had disappeared upstairs they probably wouldn’t be awaiting his speedy return. He wandered into Cary’s room, shook out a miniaturised book from up his sleeve and was intent on reading when the view from the window caught his attention instead.
It so happened Romilda’s room faced in this direction. He pushed the curtains open further. He was about to call out when he realised what a dumb idea that was. She wouldn’t hear. He pressed his face against the glass. Maybe if he thought ‘LOOK THIS WAY LOOK THIS WAY LOOK THIS WAY’ really hard…
Who: Taliesyn Robards, Emelda Vane
Where: Vane House
When: Morning
Emelda was known for being scatterbrained and something of a daydreamer — a reputation that was entirely justified, as this morning she’d gone to work without her folder full of notes on the article she was currently working on. Shaking her head over how silly she was, she Apparated back home, arriving at the foot of the stairs.
Now, had she left the folder in her bedroom, or on the dining room table…? As she stood there, lost in thought, a movement at the top of the stairs caught her eye and she automatically looked up. It took a moment for her brain to process what she was seeing. There was a man there, crouched over.
Emelda screamed.
Warded to Romilda Vane
Your boyfriend is adorable. But maybe next time you invite him over you should hang a tie on your doorknob or something so that I am not overly surprised to see him in the house the next morning.
Warded to Romilda Vane
Made the bed.
Fixed the floorboard.
Terrified Emelda half to death.
That was my morning. How was yours?
It’s looking increasingly unlikely that this baby’s going to be born today. Seriously, what is the point of even having a fucking due date if—
I don’t know how Penny can be so serene. I can’t stand the waiting.
I just want this to be over
I just want to know that Penny’s got through it okay.
Warded to Zacharias Smith
OK, I think I’ve figured out what I’m getting Louisa for Christmas. There’s this necklace that’s just like, a little gold circle on a gold chain, and I think it’s the kind of thing you could wear every day if you wanted to. And it wasn’t that expensive, at least I don’t think so, I don’t know how much gold necklaces are supposed to cost. And then in case she doesn’t like the necklace I thought I’d also get her some art supplies, like a nice paintbrush set or some colored pencils from that art shop in Diagon. I’m not sure what exactly yet, I’ll have someone there help me figure it out.
Does that sound right? For someone you’ve been going out with for seven months? I just don’t want it to be too much if she like, got me a book or a pair of socks or something. Although I wouldn’t mind if she did, really. I mean I like books, and everybody needs socks.
I’ve never had a girlfriend during Christmas before, I don’t know how you’re supposed to know what they expect.
I think I’ve drunk too much coffee or I’m just really jittery after being in the courtroom. Does anyone want to go to the Grotto and do some dancing because I have too much energy and I don’t know how I’m going to be able to sleep tonight?
What if I messed it up today? I think I did okay, but it was so scary trying to tell them what Audrey is like when it’s just so obvious how wonderful she is and that she would never have set all those fires on her own.
It’s icy out there this morning! As a result, my shoes are depressingly sensible today.
But it’s really, really hard to worry about the weather when my little countdown keeps getting closer to the big day! This weekend we’re going to Dorset to finalise the wedding cake and then we’re going to book our honeymoon. So exciting!
Read moreAnyone who saw Penny fall today she is okay Alex and I took her to St Mungo’s and she is happy and had a baby!!!!
But I will let her tell everyone about the baby when she is okay to write because it is not my job to do that I just didn’t want anybody to worry.
Read moreWho: Portia Diggle, Wayne Hopkins
Where: Outside the Diggle home
When: Evening
Portia had had a pretty good day. After all, what was the point of being a celebrity if you couldn’t do something spontaneous and extravagant like get a last minute portkey to Paris for some serious Christmas shopping? As the day had gone on she’d thought about Penny less and less, burying all her guilt and worry in a spending spree.
Now, clutching her many bags and feeling very satisfied with her purchases, she Apparated into the street a little way down from her house. Penny found it difficult to sleep these days so Portia didn’t like to Apparate directly into their house in case she was napping and the noise woke her. As she approached her house she was surprised to see a figure sat on the front doorstep. “Wayne? What in Salazar’s name are you doing?”
Hatched, Matched & Dispatched
PENELOPE DIGGLE is delighted to announce the birth of a healthy baby girl, POPPY JOY, at 5:35pm on Thursday 12th December 2001. She measured 18 inches and weighed 7 lb 8 oz. Grateful thanks to the caring staff at St Mungo’s Hospital.
To: Veronica Smethley, Alexander Derrick
From: Penelope Diggle
Thank you for helping me on Thursday! It was very kind of you to take me to hospital and make sure I was okay. I am fine now and my baby is fine too. She is called Poppy Joy Diggle. When I am not so tired you can come over and see her!
Love from Penny xx
[Attached is a small bag of chocolates.]
My twin sister is getting married today! What the hell, where did the time go???
Shit I better write a speech.
Read moreWho: Astoria Greengrass, Cary Robards
Where: Sabina Capper’s wedding
When: Afternoon
Some people might have found it trying to help plan a friend’s wedding (and shower, and hen night) so soon after a breakup. But to Astoria it was at least a welcome distraction and a way to keep busy, now that she had neither a job nor marathon makeout sessions with Cary to help her pass the time.
After the ceremony she’d hugged and kissed Sabina and said she was so, so happy for her — and she’d really meant it. Her eyes had welled up with happy tears and she’d laughed and cried at the same time but then she’d found it rather hard to stop. In the crowd of well-wishers she’d managed to discreetly slip away and down an empty hallway, where she leaned against the wall and wrapped her arms around herself and tried to sob very very quietly, because this was Sabina’s wedding, and it wouldn’t do to make a spectacle of herself. She still didn’t feel sad exactly — she didn’t know what she felt, except that she had the peculiar but certain feeling that if she could just cry it out for a bit longer she’d be able to collect herself and put on a smile and go fuss over Sabina at the reception like she should. She just had to get through it first. It was involuntary, like having a coughing fit.
She thought she heard footsteps approaching and she quickly held her breath and wiped away her tears, unknowingly smearing a dark line of mascara all across her cheek as she did so.
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
I feel like the trial has been hard for you this week. Want to do something fun today? I was thinking you, me and the British Museum? They’ve got some new exhibits in the wizarding wing, I think.
German expert consults on Orpingon murder case
A spokesperson from DMLE reports that they have brought in an outside Imperius expert, Karl Kalb, from Germany to examine Gavin Orpington. Kalb has confirmed the use of the Imperius and broken the strong dark magic used on the young Mister Orpington. He has retracted his confession and been released.
It seems there is nothing here for me now so it’s back on the road for me. Going to spend Christmas in the sun! Looking forward to it. Don’t worry; I won’t forget to send some pictures of sunny blue sky while you’re all sneezing into your scarves.
Adios amigos.
Read moreI heard a rumour that Gavin Orpington paid off that Imperius expert from Germany. Are our own forces so incompetent that we have to start bringing in foreigners? Very suspicious.
Read moreSo… only Gavin Orpington gets to be examined? Not Audrey? Not even Smith though I don’t really care about him? And they let him out? Just like that?
“If you can get a Firebolt, you can get Jigger.” Yeah no, Cary, it doesn’t work that way, a Firebolt is an inanimate object and for all I know Broom Regulatory Control lend them out to anyone who asks or borrows them for weekend joyrides personally while Mr Jigger is an actual person who can… move about, for one, and has his own thoughts and feelings and wishes and I’m not sure none of those involve going to dinner with Romilda and I but I suppose you meant it as a vote of confidence, so thank you, I guess, and so I did floo his agent.
Good news: Mr Jigger is going to a party this Friday.
Bad news: I obviously don’t have an invite to said party.
Good news: Idris has an invite to said party.
Bad news: IDRIS has an invite to said party.
Good news: Idris needs a favour. We have struck a deal.
Bad news: This favour involves playing the part of the victim in a re-enactment during a grisly murder trial.
You’ll only get stabbed once, he says.
I’ll warn you before it’s going to happen, he says.
It won’t hurt a bit, he says.
Warded to Romilda Vane
Hey, remember how you said you wanted that biography of Arsenius Jigger for Christmas? Would you rather meet him instead?
Warded to Dorothy Spinks
Hey, Dorothy, could you do me a huge favour? Could you go to J Pip’s and buy me a blood-replenishing potion? I think the Healer skimped out on me.
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
Taliesyn, why is your dog dragging your shredded bloodied clothes around the house? Is there something you perhaps want to inform the DMLE of? And no, please don’t try and pretend you’re just having a particularly heavy period this month.
Who: Susan Bones, Wayne Hopkins
Where: Heaven Scent
When: Lunchtime
“I’m just going out on a few errands!” Susan called to Blodwen, emerging from the back room and buttoning her coat. “Will you be all right for half an hour?”
Warded to owners and employees of shops and businesses in Helga’s Hill
Have any of you discovered enchanted mistletoe in the doorway of your shop…?
Warded to Henry Radford
Who: Emelda Vane, Zacharias Smith
Where: Mayor Smith’s offices
When: Morning
Emma was snooping. It was something she did, fairly often actually, in her Pursuit Of The Truth. It was surprising what you could get away with if you acted like you belonged in a place, and she had overheard some very interesting conversations in her time.
Right now she was also on something of a Mission. She’d been after an interview with Mayor Smith for weeks and he kept avoiding her Floo calls and not returning any of her Owls. So, the only thing to do was to see if she could bump into him in person. She’d walked right into the town hall and had so far gone undetected as she nosed around.
Wandering along a corridor, looking for Mayor Smith’s office, Emma turned a corner and stopped as abruptly as if she’d walked into a trap. Which maybe she had, because she literally couldn’t move. “Oh rats,” she said softly. Busted.
Arson trial suspended
A bit of good news for Helga’s Hill: the DMLE announces that, due to the revelations surrounding Gavin Orpington’s confession, they are indefinitely suspending Audrey Singh’s arson trial and the investigation into Zacharias Smith while their claims of Imperius usage are thoroughly probed.
It is too early in the morning to watch a seventy year old getting snogged outside the shop.
Read moreWarded to Emelda Vane
I have given it some thought and I’ve come to the conclusion that we should break up, thanks.
Warded to Andrei Capper
I wonder if you might help me with something.
Warded to Romilda, Tamara, Andrei & Isolde
My boss told me I’m back on active duty from the new year!!! ABOUT TIME. Best early Christmas present ever!!!! Let’s go out to celebr
WAIT NO I’m supposed to be MATURE and RESPONSIBLE.
People are strange. I’m pretty sure all the adults in this room are capable of having a rational conversation but instead they seem more interested in pulling faces and making silly noises at an infant than talking to me about my recent success. I only have a starring role in the most popular Wireless drama right now and Witch Weekly keep writing articles about how I’m “one to watch” but apparently that pales next to Poppy grasping someone’s finger when they put it in her hand. Who cares?
I didn’t know I even had this many relatives. I suspect a lot of them are Weasley cousins who’ve crawled out of the woodwork.
Really feeling in a Christmassy mood, especially now that I’ve picked out my outfit for work tonight. A massive Christmas jumper with a belt totally counts as a dress.
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
Are you recovered from the party? Was I hiccuping rainbow bubbles at some point? I can’t believe we got to meet so many incredible people. I also can’t believe you made me sign your shirt!
I need to figure out how to get an invite to the Potioneers party next year. So dull to start, but it was like the clock struck eleven and people started drinking shots of random potions. I must have drunk enough for three people and I don’t even have a trace of a hangover. Potions are the best. I think I’d be happy with a life of academia if I get to go to parties like that. I’m sure I’d be happy with a life of academia anyway, but a good party never hurts.
After all the nonsense with snow and mistletoe, I have decided to take myself away somewhere for a touch of winter sun. A week by the pool seems like a very welcome idea.
Read moreAh, now I know why Cary wanted to leave the country.
He didn’t want to listen to Celestina Warbeck’s Christmas album over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
I will put that gramophone out of commission.
Thank Merlin for carolers. Often, when one is in chronic pain, it’s a relief to change position and experience a whole different pain.
Read moreWarded to Louisa Macnair
I guess I deserved that. I guess that means you’re still
I’m sorry.
So I was going to break the news about my simply devastating break-up to Dad this morning — we broke up because she’s… allergic to expensive taste, or something, it was never going to work out, I’m sure we’ll remain friends etc etc — when he went on a massive spiel about how glad he was that I had finally found someone — yes, that’s really complimentary — and how he hoped this meant I was now “on the right path” and how proud he was and that he might have to reconsider leaving Sepphora as the custodian of the Manor after he passes.
Warded to Emelda Vane
Did I say break-up? I may have been hasty. Come up to the Hill. Hope you like sledding.
Warded to Zacharias Smith
Will you do me a favour and thank your father for the sledding and mulled cider social? I tried to talk to him yesterday but he always seemed to be with someone and I didn’t like to interrupt. I had a wonderful time, anyway. You and Emma seemed to be having fun too! She’s a lovely girl, isn’t she?
Warded to Lavender Brown
It’s Christmas Eve and we’ve got spiced cider and Celestina Warbeck and mince pies I’m actually helping bake, if you’d like to join us.
If not, I hope you’re having a good one.
To: Taliesyn Robards
From: Romilda Vane
I find myself in dire need of a library. More specifically a librarian. And I think that only the Ministry Library will satisfy me.
Do you think you’re up for a sneaky trip to the stacks?
To: Felicity Eastchurch
From: Andrei Capper
Dear Fliss,
Happy Christmas! Thinking of you at this time of year. You are my favourite.
— Andrei
To: Romilda Vane
From: Andrei Capper
Dear Romilda,
I wonder who these two could be! It did remind me of a certain couple. Happy Christmas.
— Andrei
To: Heidi MacDonald
From: Andrei Capper
Dear Heidi,
You are a brilliant friend and you should never change. Even though sometimes you are very mean to me. Just kidding. Happy Christmas!
— Andrei
To: Tamara Crumb
From: Andrei Capper
Dear Tamara,
Happy Christmas! I hope you like your gift. I think they look nice but probably best not to hang them where Adelaide can reach.
— Andrei
To: Astoria Greengrass
From: Andrei Capper
Dear Astoria,
I’m still annoyed at you for driving Cary away after all that effort I put into your relationship I found this nice piece of vintage art. I hope it speaks to you. Happy Christmas.
— Andrei
To: Cary Robards
From: Astoria Greengrass
I hope you’re having a happy Christmas, if they have Christmas where you are. I hope you aren’t sad to be spending it without your family, although I suppose if you are, that’s because you decided to go so far away.
Which reminds me, please give the owl a proper rest before sending him back.
[Enclosed: a loaf of fresh-baked gingerbread, very prettily wrapped.]
Who: Stephen and Leticia Cornfoot
Where: Leeds, England
When: Morning
Waking up in his childhood room was peculiar on several levels. For Stephen, returning home didn’t happen all that often and it made a nice change. At the same time, it reminded him how small his studio flat in Helga’s Hill really was. He had never intended to stay in the village this long; had things turned out differently, the Calliope Heights project would have been well underway by now, if not partially completed.
He had reasons to stay now. Mandy, obviously, and his other friends. But also the new plans for Calliope Heights. Less bold and brash than Orpington’s ideas, Stephen wanted the development to be much more in keeping with the aesthetics of the village.
As he made his way downstairs, Stephen could hear his brother snoring through the bedroom door. At least when he was asleep he wasn’t talking constantly about how great the Capper-Harper wedding had been and whatever else he had been up to. He found his mother in the kitchen, pottering around and making coffee. “Morning, Mum.”
Ah, the sweet sound of NO MORE CHRISTMAS CAROLS. Peace on Earth indeed. Happy day after Christmas, everyone.
Read moreDo the ends justify the means? This is a hypothetical question, not a rhetorical one. I am curious to hear people’s opinions because
The year is drawing to an end. In the Gregorian calendar, anyway. Whether or not you consider dates arbitrary things, I think the new year is as good a time as any to make resolutions, or at least to think about your life and your aims and goals.
I do not want to lose sight of who I am.
P.S. I hope everyone is having a restful season.
Read moreGavin Orpington is on the wireless at the moment. Apparently on New Year’s Eve he’s going to name the person who cast the Imperius curse on him during an exclusive broadcast.
Is it just me or does it all seem ridiculously dramatic doing it like this?
Read moreTo: Astoria Greengrass
From: Cary Robards
Dear Astoria,
Thank you for your gift and a belated Merry Christmas to you. The gingerbread is delicious so you may become a domestic goddess yet. Thank you, also, for reminding me that any melancholy at the absence of family is my own fault. You are so much like Mum it’s… kind of hilarious.
I expect we’ll see each other next year. Mauritius sends her love.
It’s almoooost the end of the year. Time to pause and reflect and drink a lot. I’d like to share a Muggle proverb with you:
“Always tell people you love that you love them because you might get hit by a bus tomorrow.”
So do that! Or you might die and leave them wondering.
On second thought, that seems pretty impossible, doesn’t it? There aren’t even any buses here. Maybe the closest equivalent is being eaten by a dragon but that’s very unlikely too. Unless you’re Katie. (Katie, just letting you know now that I think highly of you.)
So, in actual fact, you have plenty of time and there’ll always be a tomorrow. Rejoice!
Read moreWarded to Susan Bones
Hey, I hope you had a good Christmas. I wanted to mention, I told Louisa about the mistletoe thing and she was pretty upset about it. We’re OK now but I’m supposed to tell you that, you know, you I’m not I’m not on the market for kissing, and I’m not interested in doing that again, just in case I somehow gave the impression that, you know, I was. I mean I told her it was enchanted and we kind of had to and it wasn’t romantic or anything but she’d just feel better if I made it clear so, yeah.
Anyway, Happy New Year, are you going to the party tonight?
Oh and Mum and Jennie seemed to like their bath stuff so thanks.
I’m just about to throw my gladrags on ready to go out and PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG so I know this is early but I just wanted to wish everyone a
Here’s to a fabulous and GLITTERY 2002!!!
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