@roni_smethley 1 June 2002
Isn’t it such a nice and beautiful day out outside???
And tomorrow is my birthday! How happy!!!
Read moreIsn’t it such a nice and beautiful day out outside???
And tomorrow is my birthday! How happy!!!
Read moreToday I am truly ashamed to be an employee of the DMLE, and I do not say that lightly.
Read moreI know we’re all thinking of Susan and Henry and Daisy today. This has got to stop. But I also feel strongly that we need to stop continually accusing people of crimes when they are clearly also victims. Hasn’t Audrey been through enough?
Read moreWe’re back! Italy was great. What’d I miss?
Oh and why is there a bag of clothes in my flat? Crispin says they’re not his. I don’t know if this is the start of some elaborate prank or a case of misplaced laundry…
Read moreNot a bad birthday, all told. Spent it with the family and got to listen to Dad and Cai bitch and moan about the state of Welsh Quidditch, but Gwenog wasn’t there thanks to having to schmooze people at the Cup, so that little break was nice. And Peter bought me a new desk from Finnigan’s shop!
Read moreWarded to Charlie & George
Percy has a girlfriend! Percy has a girlfriend!!
Warded to Henry Radford
How are you holding up? I hope your family is all right. We’re all here for you if you need anything. Tali has even offered to help fix any damage to your house but I wouldn’t take him up on that. Still, if there’s anything else we can do, just ask.
I had lunch with Mattie today at Live to Tell the Kale and who should come in but CeeCee LaPlomb from the WWN! And it was definitely her because who else colours their hair to match their peacock feather accessories?
Do you think someone in town has been cast as Selene?
Read moreWagtail parties up a storm
Weird Sister Myron Wagtail spotted smooching a mystery blonde — and more!
Who is entering the Dance-a-Thon this year? Because I am! As much as I enjoyed judging last year, this year I’m determined to take my hubby out for a spin on the dance floor! I actually think I’m looking forward to it even more this year now that I’m competing.
Read moreWarded to H98 sans Hannah Abbott
Has anyone else seen the showbiz pages of the Daily Prophet? I was reading because I wanted to find out where there was any news about the Selene casting because I auditioned even though there’s no way I’ll get it but instead I saw loads of pictures of Hannah out with Myron Wagtail.
They’re kissing and drinking and she’s looking so thin and dead behind the eyes, which doesn’t seem like Hannah at all. I’m really, really worried about her but I think I’d actually be scared to talk to the Hannah in these pictures.
Moon fever
Is the WWN is in talks with Luna Lovegood to voice Selene on TCTF?
Tabitha Titterington has all the details!
The World Cup starts tomorrow!
Frankly, it would just be rude to live in Helga’s Hill and not go to the Badger to listen to the Wales v Croatia match. Especially when it looks like Wales are going to steamroller Croatia.
Read moreWarded to Hannah Abbott
I feel like I haven’t seen you for ages! I tried calling around a couple of time but you didn’t answer or weren’t home.
As I need to go shopping for some new shoes, I was wondering if you would like to come with me? We could even make a day of it and I could take you out for lunch for your birthday?
I felt you got slightly lucky there, Wales.
Let England show you how it’s done properly, tonight.
Buggery. Stella! That sounds like it hurt.
Carried off the pitch? Not good.
From Russia with love
Now that she’s ditched Valerius Bole, it looks like Sasha Capper is getting cosy with Ernie Macmillan
Stella is hurt I have to go and see her can someone milk my cows for me while I am gone they need milking at least twice a day or their udders hurt. Also if it is hot the crops may need water and the ducks might need feeding too but mainly the cows they will need feeding as well as milking.
Read moreI’m beginning to think pigeons have a personal vendetta against me.
Read moreI did it! And wow, I’ll sleep well tonight. I wanted to be Obliviated first, so this would’ve felt like the first time all over again, because how amazing would that have been?! But I have so many amazing memories about it that I didn’t want to lose, so in the end I decided not to. But it was still a day well spent.
Read moreI had the best birthday party ever!! And now I am seven!
Read moreA big round of applause, ladies and gentleman, for the one and only Michael Corner who, in his bid to be a knight in shining armour yesterday, managed to break his toe, smash a dozen eggs, and scatter half a dozen Ministry files across the town square.
Nice work, Mick. I’d offer to buy you a drink, but it sounds like it could be dangerous.
Read moreGiven that the last crazy contest I got into was eating, and I lost, and I’m good at eating, I don’t have much hope for winning a contest that involves dancing, when I’m not so good at dancing. Still, my competitive spirit wins out and would like to inform you that I am going to wipe the floor with all of you.
And if I don’t, well, at least I get to spend the evening dancing with a beautiful woman.
Read moreWho: Stephen Cornfoot, Susan Bones, Daisy Radford
Where: Village Hall
When: During the Dance-A-Thon
Radford was getting close to the truth, the fumbling long arm of the law finally beginning to grasp onto something solid. Therefore, it was time for Radford to lose his grip on everything. To see him unravel would be beautiful.
I’m going out to look for her. I know all the Hit Wizards and everyone will already be out there, but I can’t just sit here.
Read moreWarded to H98
Has anybody heard any news about Susan? I don’t think they’re allowing visitors in St. Mungo’s so I suppose not, but if any of you do hear news, please share it with the rest of us. And if you visit her— Who’s going—
Do you think we ought to make some food for Mr. Radford? It seems like such a ridiculous, tiny gesture, but I want to do something and it’s all I can think of and especially with Susan in St. Mungo’s I’m sure he could use it, right?
Warded to Terence Higgs
Can you come home? I closed up the clinic and I’m here because I… I’m just finding this all really upsetting. It reminds me of How can anyone hurt little I don’t want to be by myself. And Kit is company but I need want you.
I’m sorry to be needy.
If anyone has any idea where Daisy might be or saw anything suspicious last night, please come forward. Time is of the essence with cases like these. Please. She’s only a little girl. This is my worst nightmare.
I knew it. I knew I was close. I knew that that g
Warded to Audrey Singh
How was facing your parents this morning? I hope they didn’t give you too hard a time.
Warded to Alicia Spinnet
I feel like such a fuck-up. I swear to you everyone is staring at me like I’m the worst person in the world. It feels like it is all my fault that we’re not moving forward. I should have dodged that Beater. If they’d picked you instead then
I wish you were here. How’s home?
Do no harm. Do no harm. I shouldn’t have allowed them to question her when it was clear she’d been Obliviated and didn’t know anything. I know she would’ve found out sooner or later, but wouldn’t it have been kinder to spare her the distress for a couple of days? Calming Draughts and Dreamless Sleep potions help, of course, but she’ll most likely be discharged tomorrow. I hope they find the child by then.
And that girl sat with her, her friend, Hannah? What a mess. She needs help. It’s like looking at Orla in five years’ time.
Warded to Orla Quirke
Where the hell are you? Have you actually moved out and just left your things behind?
Warded to Rory Wood
My amazingly observant aunt has only just noticed I’m gone. Can you believe that?
Let’s marry coca farmers and run away to live in the rainforest.
The vigil was really lovely. It’s nice for the community to be able to show support when there isn’t much most of us can do to help Daisy right now. I could help. I could do something if my damned supervisors weren’t so obsessed with not stepping on the toes of another departme
Where’s Daisy?
There’s still no sign of the missing girl, Daisy Radford
Read our 12-page report on everything that’s been happening in Helga’s Hill over the past year.
Anyone who thinks the village pub is a hotbed of gossip should hang out in their local post office for five minutes. I’m actually glad I can’t hear what’s being said because what people are thinking about is bad enough, and that’s only fragments.
I hate being behind the counter.
Read moreWho: Stephen Cornfoot, Mandy Brocklehurst
Where: Their house
When: Evening
Stephen got home from the office later that he had planned after being unavoidably detained by a matter which had required his immediate attention. “No rest for the wicked,” he’d told his new accountant when she had left at half past five.
As soon as he got in, he didn’t waste any time by taking his shoes off, instead making a beeline straight for Mandy. A smile grew across his face as soon as he saw her. “You passed, right? Of course you passed. You must have. You’re brilliant.”
See a galleon, pick it up all the day you’ll have good luck.
Maybe they’ll even find the girl.
Read moreWho: Henry Radford, others
Where: The Grotto
When: Evening
Henry Radford was losing his mind.
He hadn’t shaved or showered in days. He’d barely left his study since he’d been told he could no longer assist in the hunt for his daughter. He’d barely spoken to Susan as it seemed that neither of them knew what to say anymore.
Instead he was pouring over evidence. Over and over. Trying to make sense of it all.
Which was nearly impossible when it was all he could do at any given moment not to let the pounding in his head and the bloody wound where his heart had been overwhelm him. It was only the need to find Daisy that allowed him to fight through it.