@heatproof 1 May 2002
To the cowardly piece of scum who attacked my girlfriend last night:
When I find you, I will hurt you.
I hope you’re not particularly attached to your limbs.
Read moreTo the cowardly piece of scum who attacked my girlfriend last night:
When I find you, I will hurt you.
I hope you’re not particularly attached to your limbs.
Read moreHappy Birthday, Helga Hufflepuff!
It’s my favorite day of the year again! Everyone come by our stall and get some samosas! Especially you, Percy
Warded to Sally-Anne Perks
Guess what?
Today I get to have candy floss, and dance around the maypole, and have my face painted with my daddy, and do a scavenger hunt with my mummy! I love the Badger Festival!
Read moreThis morning I made badger-shaped pancakes and topped them with candyfloss. Possibly the best breakfast I’ve made in quite a while. Well, I saw breakfast; it was nearly midday, I suppose one might call it brunch. Either way, there is no such thing as too much candyfloss. Or too many pancakes.
Read moreWho: Susan Bones, Daisy Radford
Where: The Calliope Heights site
When: Afternoon
Susan couldn’t have been happier. The sun was shining, the Badger Festival was going off without a hitch, and now she was doing the scavenger hunt with a little girl who kept calling her Mummy. Which should have been strange, but felt so right that she couldn’t stop smiling about it. When she thought back to where she’d been a year ago, it was hard to believe that so much had changed.
“Don’t forget, we still need to find a yellow flower and a black feather!” she called over to Daisy, who was searching through the long grass on the Calliope Heights site. Susan wasn’t letting Daisy roam more than a few metres away from her, and she was hyper-aware of every small sound and movement around them, but she felt a lot more relaxed than she had in weeks. Maybe it was just an effect of the spring sunshine, but for the first time since Daisy’s Imperiusing she allowed herself to feel hopeful that things were going to get better.
Does anyone know why there are Hit Wizards all over town again suddenly?
Who: Zacharias Smith, Emelda Vane
Where: Ministry, then Smith Manor
When: Evening
Any complaints that Zacharias would have made about being dragged in and interrogated about something he thought was a closed case vanished the moment he learnt that Blaise was dead. Blaise was dead. Murdered. Blaise, a peer. How? Why? Who would do such a thing?
Well it wasn’t Zacharias, that was for sure. A point that he adamantly made over and over again, for several hours. It was just past ten at night when they finally let him go. He exited the office and was pleasantly surprised to find Emelda outside.
“Oh. Hello.”
Warded to Class of 1998 H98, R98, G98
The DMLE just all but ransacked my house and now it is so empty and I can’t. I’d like to stay somewhere else.
Warded to Sisters Vane
I don’t want to do this I don’t want to do this I don’t want to do this
As most of you have heard by now, Blaise Zabini was killed passed away yesterday here in Helga’s Hill. I’ve spoken with his mother and she would like you all to know that a service will be held in Surrey though the date and time have yet to be determined. If you have questions regarding details it might be better to direct them to me rather than to Mrs Zabini, though I’m sure your sympathies and thoughts would be appreciated.
Warded to Lavender Brown
Thanks for helping me pick out that bed. Great night’s sleep.
You were great helping out at the party yesterday. I think Victoire liked you a lot.
Maybe I’m just cranky because of the shitty hospital food and the second head injury, but when the fuck did a dead man having a loyalty card to the only coffee shop in town become reason enough to question the employees of said coffee shop?
Cavanaugh questioned over Pippin strangulation
National-treasure-in-training Christian Cavanaugh has been re-questioned about events at the Witch Weekly awards.
Anyone who thinks that Chris Cavanaugh would hurt anyone is completely off their nut. We have seriously got to stop indulging complete nonsense. He is a lovely, kind, charming man and this sort of unfounded speculation could easily ruin a person’s life if it persists.
Try to remember that the people in your magazines are people, okay?
Read moreTo: Kirley Duke
From: Hannah Abbott
I’m not coming back to work.
Who: Katie Bell, Gwen Montgomery-Higgs
Where: Gwen’s veterinary clinic
When: Early morning
Katie wasn’t really one for dramatic entrances, but sometimes they were necessary. Apparating into the middle of the waiting room at Gwen’s veterinary clinic, a blanket-wrapped bundle clutched in her arms, she cast one look around and immediately spotted Gwen putting up a poster on the noticeboard. Thank Godric she wasn’t busy.
“Clear all your appointments for the morning,” Katie said, her voice steady despite the unusual events of the past couple of hours. “This could be a tricky one.”
Authors to retire
Harold and Cynthia Hopkins today announce that they are retiring from writing
The authors of the best-selling The Curl & the Flame series are calling it a day. Tabitha Titterington looks back at some of their best work.
Warded to Alexander Derrick
I need a little something.
Who: Stephen Cornfoot, Mandy Brocklehurst
Where: Their house
When: Early evening
After spending the better part of the afternoon being questioned at the Ministry of Magic about their former neighbour, Stephen was more than a little bit pleased to return home with Mandy. Home was a good word, he decided tiredly. Being home with Mandy felt right. Some people might have reacted with surprise that they were moving in together so soon after starting to date, but their relationship stretched back a long time before the Blue Moon Ball, even if it hadn’t been romantic until then.
Stephen caught Mandy’s hand in his own once the front door was closed. “I don’t know about you, but I need a drink. Tea or wine, what do you think?”
Wait, you can’t get fat from eating too many strawberries, right?
Read moreHatched, Matched & Dispatched
ZABINI BLAISE A memorial service will be held at St. Drausnius’s Church, Surrey, on May 10th at 11 a.m. All friends and family will be welcome, donations to St. Mungo’s Hospital.
So many people being questioned. Who’s going to be next? It might be you. So today seems as good a day as any to remind everyone of the importance of proper legal representation.
Should it come to that.
Read moreThe brilliance of our law enforcement is astounding.
If they keep up the way they’ve been going we may have these murders solved by 2050.
Warded to Stephen Cornfoot
Hire a bodyguard, dumbarse.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
How are you feeling?
Warded to Sasha Capper
How are you feeling?
Turns out Live To Tell The Kale’s new sunshine smoothie is exactly what I needed after the week I’ve had. Mattie, you’re a genius and your timing is excellent.
Warded to Gwen Montgomery
How’s our scaly baby doing? Is she breathing any better? And more importantly, have you survived the last few days without losing any limbs or having anything set on fire?
Who: Taliesyn Robards, Romilda Vane
Where: The Spinks House
When: Afternoon
This time he was really going to do it. He had to. He had thought about it long enough. If he didn’t do it anytime soon, he’d still be thinking about it until he did, and even if he made an executive decision to abandon the idea of marriage altogether, it would still linger, still fester, still haunt every interaction with Romilda from then on.
Luckily Tali had set it up so backing out would be much harder this time. He’s concocted a layered potion. All Romilda had to do was give it a stir and a message would appear. Truly, deciding what the message should be was the difficult part; the actual layering was simple. Just three insoluble potions in one — one for the base, one for the letters and one to cover it all up.
I thought it would be decades before we’d have to bury any more peers.
Somewhere at home in one of the many, many photo albums that my parents have from our childhood, there’s a photo of me and my sister with this… impeccably dressed little boy trying to persuade us to dance. I think it was at a wedding, though I don’t know whose. We couldn’t have been more than six. Padma and I were just giggling, but he just has the big smile. He was a charmer even then.
You’ll be missed, Blaise.
Read morePrivate
I think What did I It’s not like I Should I Fuck it all.
Warded to Heidi MacDonald
I really need a girls night.
Warded to Alicia Spinnet & George Weasley
Thanks. Did I
Warded to Alexander Derrick
I finished those potions already and I nee Fuck
Warded to Romilda Vane
I need to interview some illicit potion makers for a question in the column. Strictly off the record, of course. Don’t suppose you know any?
Warded to Orla Quirke
I need to interview some illicit potion makers for a question in my column. Strictly off the record, of course. You seem like the kind of girl who knows who makes the good stuff.
Daddy and Mummy wouldn’t let me play with the journal for days and days. I can use it now, but Daddy made the quill so it won’t read most of the entries to me anymore.
Does anyone want me to draw them a picture?
Read moreWarded to Taliesyn Robards
Do you hate me? You haven’t even
I miss you. Want to go on a date with me? I hear there’s some new displays in the wizarding section of the British Museum. Followed by afternoon tea somewhere?
You know, I’m used to Witch Weekly being full of misogynistic, body-shaming, heteronormative, patriarchal bullshit, but proclaiming a list of men who were died tragically before their time ‘too hot to die’ really takes them beyond idiotic and unaware right to unbelievably fucking insensitive and knowingly damaging.
I hope someone sues them.
Read moreMaybe I’ve been editing too many mystery novels lately, or maybe I’ve just been paying attention to what’s been happening in this town, but—
Has anyone else been wondering if Blaise was actually killed by the murderer himself, or if the murderer made someone else do it?
Read moreWarded to Susan Bones
Did Hannah tell you that she quit her job?
Who the hell let that damned troubadour take up residence in this town? Do you know what it’s like to have a song stuck in your head that ISN’T EVEN A REAL SONG??
Read moreThe bungling Hit Wizard
Over a year since Xavier Orpington’s death and still no conviction — just how competent is Henry Radford as an investigator? Should he be replaced?
Reading the Daily Prophet article about Radford’s (in)competence over breakfast made for an enjoyable start to my day, but I’m not sure why they’re only just questioning his suitability for the task now. He should have been replaced months ago.
Read moreFinally the DP is asking the right questions. I’d like to say I had something to do with it, but alas no. (Though I do know the woman who wrote it.) I’ve been at their offices for the past couple of weeks, farmed out by WWN to get a bit more journalistic experience ahead of the World Cup. Which I’ll be helping to cover! Woohoo.
Come on Wales!
Read moreDid you know that a female troubadour is called a trobairitz?
Great exhibits. Great tea. Great date.
Great snogs. Great intimacy. Great cuddles.
Everything is great and I can’t believe I wanted to change it all up with marriage. Sort of relieved now that it’s not happening, to be honest. I forgot how much I don’t actually want a wedding. First of all there’s no way I can not invite Idris so I will be bitter throughout, or at least in between being terrified of what Cary might say in his speech and trying to stay as stiff-lipped as possible so I don’t start shedding tears in front of everyone I know and probably a great many I don’t if Mum gets her way. So, phew. Off the hook forever.
The TCTF fanzine comes out tomorrow! Merlin, what have I done? Should not have submitted. But no-one will know it’s me. It’s totally anonymous; I didn’t even pick a pen name. Oh God. Should not have told Heidi. Well, I guess if she prods I’ll just say it wasn’t accepted… or something… arrrgh.
Who knew a story about two old people having sex could be so hot?! Almost as hot as Adortia!
Warded to Taliesyn Robards
Nice drawing.
Who: Susan Bones, Blodwen Cadwallader
Where: Heaven Scent
When: Evening
Susan had been distracted lately, but she couldn’t ignore the way Blodwen was slamming down the coins as they counted up the day’s takings. “Is everything all right, Blodwen?” Susan asked cautiously, aware that her shopgirl was sometimes prone to peculiar moods.
Blodwen inhaled deeply through her nose, and then turned to Susan with a fixed smile that was more like a grimace. “Everything’s fine, Susan. But if the money’s out, that might be because I’ve spent all day giving refunds.”
Who: Susan Bones, Henry Radford
Where: The Radford house
When: Evening
Susan was making tea. Because if she was focusing on boiling the kettle and warming the teapot then she didn’t have to look at Henry. And if she didn’t look at Henry, she didn’t have to see the expression on his face.
It had been an eventful evening. After stunning Blodwen, Susan had naturally gone straight to Henry for help. To say he’d been concerned would be putting it mildly — he’d wanted to haul Blodwen straight down to the DMLE for questioning — but Susan had managed to persuade him that wasn’t necessary, it was a personal matter and she just wanted him around for support while she woke Blodwen and told her she was fired. But of course, Henry being a Hit Wizard, he hadn’t let the matter drop there, and Susan had been forced to admit that there was more to the story, but she’d tell him everything when they got home.
Red and blotchy wasn’t really the sort of look I wanted to go for today, especially with a meeting to go to.
Of course, on top of this my cat has also decided that she’s secretly a puppy and keeps fetching my ties.
Read moreIt’s coming home
Trials will be held today for the 2002 World Cup teams!
I guess I can’t really be sure, since I’ve never done inventory of my wardrobe before, but I’m pretty sure I had more than three shirts. Almost definitely sure. Lavender!?
Read moreHow appropriate to use my twenty-second entry to announce my twenty-second birthday party!! It’s on Sunday evening at Mirror, Mirror. Formal wear is required!!
And, yes, I will make you buy dressrobes if you show up without.
Read moreI’ve been under the weather off-and-on all week thanks to Susan’s and my exams start on Monday, so if I’m a total cow to you in the next few days, apologies in advance.
I’m going and I’ve got my bags packed already.
Read moreWarded to Ernie Macmillan
I don’t mean to alarm you, but I thought you should know that I visited Myron today for a meeting and your friend Hannah answered the door. She wasn’t very clothed. And high as fuck on who knows what Or very sober. At ten in the morning.
I know she must be having a hard time right now, but I’m not sure Myron Wagtail is a good way to deal with the problem.
Warded to friends
My husband’s superfans can be right exhausting sometimes.
Today just so happens to be the day that my amazingly hot, talented, clever and funny girlfriend was born. So everyone had better wish Wendy a happy birthday, or I’ll set a dragon on you.
Warded to Wendy Wickersham
Darling, pack a bag. We’re leaving the country. (After your birthday dinner, of course.)
Warded to Wendy & Katie’s Friends
Don’t forget, the Jewel at 7pm! Bring presents.
I apologise profusely to anyone who was adversely affected by products bought at Heaven Scent last week. I’ve traced the source of the problem to contaminated potion ingredients and disposed of all affected stock. Which was everything I brewed at the beginning of the month. I suppose I was a little distracted by the fact that my daughter had just discovered a dead body. Not that that’s any excuse. I’m so sorry
We are of course offering refunds and replacements on any products bought at Heaven Scent this month, and anyone who is at all concerned is free to discuss the matter with me in person. My customers mean the world to me — each and every one of you — and I hope that this regrettable incident can be forgiven.
I’m sorry.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
I am a terrible judge of character.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
How are y
Just been checking out the Welsh side for the World Cup. We’re looking ready to win! And, damn, Roger Davies is sexy! (He’s dating my sister’s sister-in-law. Does that make him off limits?)
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri;
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad,
Dros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.
Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i’m gwlad.
Tra môr yn fur i’r bur hoff bau,
O bydded i’r hen iaith barhau!
And all the other teams suck. Especially England, but that goes without saying.
Read moreI hope they don’t cast Selene too soon. It’d be nice to keep her image in my head for a bit longer.
Warded to Romilda Vane
I have something to tell you. Show you, rather. Well, I guess both. ‘Cause if I showed you it without context, well. Um.
Warded to Helga’s Hill sans Susan, Henry & Daisy
You know, I’ve defended Radford all this time, I really have. But he’s never going to get anywhere if he just goes around shouting at people and accusing them of ridiculous things.
It’s unprofessional and really mean.
And I’m never going to get any studying done if I can’t stop crying. Why am I crying so hard. This is stupid.
Warded to Orla Quirke
How do you fancy six weeks holiday in Rio financed by my darling brother, hmm??
Who: Lavender Brown, Charlie Weasley
Where: Mirror, Mirror
When: Afternoon
Lavender was bored. It was the slowest Friday afternoon in the history of slow Friday afternoons because she was only a few hours (and a shift at the Grotto) away from her birthday weekend. And her birthday weekend was going to be fabulous and chic and not involve telling cranky women how marvelous they looked. (Lavender didn’t like that part of customer service. She’d much rather tell the truth and then help them find something they really did look marvelous in.)
But, birthday looming or not, she was doing what she always did on slow afternoons: leaning against the counter and sketching.
How long does it usually take to hear back after you’ve been to an audition?
Read moreIf you’re going to move house while eight months pregnant, it is a good idea to choose a husband with many strapping siblings to help out.
I did good.
Read moreWarded to Sasha Capper
Do you want to go out with me this afternoon? I know a nice bar in Edinburgh.
Warded to residents of 9 Helga’s Hill Road
Does anyone else smell burning… ? I’d blame my niece, but she appears to have gone out for the night. As usual.