@invinoverity 1 April 2002
Just kidding!
Read moreHELP I THINK I’M IN LABOR!!!!!!!!!!
Just kidding!
Read moreIs someone trying to wind up the entire village? I just walked past what I believed was the former Calliope Heights site and now there’s a sign up with a projected completion date!
If it’s an April Fool’s prank, it’s not a good one.
Read moreNobody did an April Fool’s on me yesterday. It’s an April miracle.
Read moreWarded to Alexander Derrick
Thank you, Mr Derrick, for returning my daughter to me relatively unscathed. I hope I can expect your discretion as far as this incident is concerned, for Daisy’s sake.
Warded to Susan Bones
We need to discuss something rather serious.
When a four year old decided to have a tantrum in the shop this afternoon (apparently he got upset because it WASN’T raining???) I just kept calm and tried to remind myself that I am one day closer to Paris.
Read moreWarded to AJ Singh
I heard that Lavender and Dean Thomas are getting married, so I just wanted to make sure that you are doing okay?
Warded to Zacharias Smith
Hello. I have had some time to think, and I have come to some conclusions, and I wanted to set them out here so there is no miscommunication.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
Guess who just asked me to move in with him.
Warded to Blaise Zabini
I was just discussing the importance of multiple orgasms with Susan and it got me wondering if you were busy tonight…
Hmmm. There is a ginger on my couch and it isn’t the one that belongs to me.
I think I’ll poke it with a stick and see what happens. For scientific purposes.
Read moreWarded to H98
I need to do a belated April Fool’s prank on Louisa.
So… what’s a good one?
How is it possible that my head still hurts? Dean, this is all your fault.
Read moreWarded to Helga’s Hill sans Stephen & Mandy
I just got word that they’re breaking ground on that monstrosity of a high rise tomorrow. We need to protest! I’ll be up all night making picket signs and eating brownies if anyone wants to join me.
George Weasley what have you done to me? Because it is not on.
Read moreChaos at Calliope Heights groundbreaking
Quidditch star Alicia Spinnet wallops a Hit Wizard with a placard at a ground-breaking ceremony for the Calliope Heights site
Warded to Alicia Spinnet
Really? Really?
Warded to Ernie Macmillan
We need to do a better job monitoring clients on these journals so we can stop them before they do idiotic things.
I regret that there was such a commotion at today’s groundbreaking. Perhaps I was naïve to hope that people would actually look at the new plans for the development before decrying it.
Tonight I shall drink a very large glass of wine.
WANTED: Gainful employment.
But nothing too difficult, too strenuous, or too messy.
Enquiries to T. Higgs.
Read moreStephen is kissing Mandy on the porch again. Do they know that people can see them? I think you should only kiss if you’re invisible.
Read moreWarded to Stephen Cornfoot
I have some unsolicited advice for you, and I’m just going to write it out here. You are, of course, free to ignore it.
The Calliope Heights groundbreaking did not go well. I realize that your plans are very different from your fa— Xavier Orpington’s – but the general public does not realize this. People can be very set in their ways, and set in their opinions, and in order to change a negative opinion that has already been decided you must do more than you would to simply achieve a positive first impression. You do not have the benefit of a blank slate.
Having the revised plans available for public perusal will not be enough; unfortunately you cannot rely on people to seek them out. You will need to bring the plans to them – to identify their grievances with the original plan and actively point out how you are addressing these details. You have a good head for business, but at the point your efforts are required in marketing which your father was never. I might even suggest that you change the name if you are not particularly attached to “Calliope Heights.”
Were I still in consulting, I would offer you my services – I still have a lingering personal interest in seeing this project succeed, and I truly believe that it will be beneficial to the Helga’s Hill community. As it is, I am sorry that I cannot offer more than this simple advice.
Warded to Henry Radford
Er So, my parents have suggested that they’d like to meet you. They were talking about us all having lunch together one day, but I told them that you’re really busy with work right now, and obviously recent events with Daisy mean that we’re not really comfortable with her being away from us any more than necessary, so, you know, this isn’t an immediate plan or anything. It’s just a vague, at-some-point-in-the-future hopefully never kind of thing. I just thought I ought to mention it.
I think I might be nesting. Isn’t it too early for me to be nesting?
Not sure why the baby needs a crystal vase though…
Read moreWho: Romilda Vane, Taliesyn Robards
Where: Paris, France
When: Daytime
They had seen so much already on their trip, but Romilda knew that she and Tali had probably seen only a few of the delights that Paris had to offer. The food was amazing, too. And the company? Well, that wasn’t bad either. Perfect, even.
After visiting Notre-Dame Cathedral, they meandered across the Ile de la Cité to the Square du Vert-Galant, a bright splash of green compared to the towering gothic cathedral. Romilda seized the opportunity to take Tali’s hand, smiling brightly.
“I feel like the cathedral would be a lot more impressive if we hadn’t gone to Hogwarts. Not that it isn’t beautiful, obviously, but it takes the shine off it when you can picture Professor McGonagall marching around the corner any moment.”
Who: Lavender Brown, Charlie Weasley
Where: The Grotto
When: Evening
Lavender was in a very good mood. It had been a great week overall (karmic hangover and getting told off for no reason by an irrational Alicia aside). She felt like dancing. Luckily, her second profession lent itself to wearing very tiny dresses of her own design and shaking her arse behind the bar as she made patrons their drinks.
Plus her tips always seem to go up along with the amount of smiling and dancing she did, so that was an extra plus.
She grinned as a new but unmistakeable face arrived in her domain. Leaning on her elbows in front of Charlie, she drawled, “Well, well, if it isn’t Mister I’m A Good Boy Really himself.”
Warded to friends & acquaintances (except Susan & Henry)
Has anyone seen Daisy Radford? If you see her, please get her to stay where she is and let me or Stephen know!
Warded to Susan Bones
Don’t freak out about what I’m about to tell you, okay? I am freaking out enough for both of us It is going to be fine.
Warded to Mandy, Stephen, Susan, Henry
Found Daisy. We’re in Tattered Pages — she doesn’t know how she got here, but I told her one of you would come get her and that you wanted her to hang out with me till you did, so we’re looking for good books.
Warded to Sally-Anne Perks
I can’t stop thinking about someone who I never suspected that I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about but he’s so lovely and kind and handsome and. I think I may have a crush.
I didn’t know the Welsh countryside could be so stunning at this time of year. Some very charming sights.
Read moreFor the second time in a week, I’ve just returned from taking my daughter to the pediatric ward at Mungo’s to have her checked for any damage that may have been done to her by the bastard who thinks that Imperiusing and frightening six-year-olds is an acceptable occupation. While shaken and missing memories, Daisy is otherwise unharmed. Whoever has been tampering with her mind ought to be very, very thankful that they did not harm her in any serious way.
Clearly you meant to send me a message. I’ve received one, though it may not be the one you intended. I am not going to back off and I assume from your sudden interest in my child that some of my recent movements have made you nervous. If you thought that threatening my child would make me less inclined to stop you terrorizing this community, you are sorely mistaken. You are also clearly not a parent. I am more dedicated than ever to seeing you thrown in Azkaban for the rest of your worthless life.
Touch my daughter again and I will not be responsible for my actions when I find you. And I will find you, make no mistake.
Read moreWarded to Blodwen & Tamara Crumb
Thank you for looking after the shop yesterday when I had to dash off. I apologise for not coming back, but I didn’t realise I would be at St Mungo’s so long. I I just wanted to say that it means a lot to me, knowing I can rely on you both, especially when circumstances are so difficult.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
I keep telling myself that anger isn’t a productive emotion, that I have to be the calm one while Henry’s so furious, but I’m starting to think that if I ever come face-to-face with whoever’s doing this then I’ll productively introduce his nose to my fist. Nobody touches my fam Daisy.
Gideon took Adelaide to the Aethonan reserve over the weekend when I was pulling double shifts at both Heaven Scent and the Fryer and now every other word out of her mouth is “hosie!” (aye without the ‘r’. She can’t say that yet) If this keeps up at least I’ll have a ready made theme for her second birthday.
One week until mine. I can’t believe I’ll be twenty.
I’ve been thinking about what I really want this year and it’s definitely to get out of my parents’ house again. With Adelaide running around and getting into everything things are definitely not as easy as when she was more contained. And as it’s been about a year since we lost our house I thought we would have it back by now and no telling whether we’ll be able to buy it back when this murder investigation is finally solved or have buy a new one… anyway, Gid and I were thinking about renting here in Helga’s Hill for the time being. As a birthday present to me. Nothing permanent because I do want to raise Adelaide in Aberdeen — no true Scot should grow up in Wales — but with things in the air and me having jobs here renting for a bit, and getting Adelaide and I out of Mam and Da’s home seems like the best option.
The point of that is does anyone know where would be a good place to rent here in town? We would need a two bedroom at least, maybe three so Gid can store his musical things when he’s not touring and a landlord understanding of small children would be a must. I know a lot of you do rent and might have some recommendations!
Read moreWho: Isolde Montgomery, Seamus Finnigan
Where: Knock On Wood
When: Early morning
Issy always had her morning coffee in Knock on Wood. What had started as a once off delivery to Seamus had become a tradition. She, being the morning person out of the two of them, (it was a mystery to all how Issy loved to be up at dawn and Tristan required four cups of coffee before she could begin to function properly), walked to Higher Grounds, picked up their usual order, and then came and banged on the door of the shop until Shay answered. Usually, he even managed to put on a shirt first (more was the pity, in Issy’s humble opinion).
Then they sat and sipped their drinks. Sometimes they talked about nonsense. Sometimes they talked about things that were important. Now and then they talked about things that were truly painful (with two people who had suffered such profound loses, it seemed nearly inevitable). And sometimes they talked about nothing, simply sitting on his ratty couch in the back room, shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh, heads flopping back against the cushions, in companionable silence.
Warded to Eloise Midgen
Do you think Christian Cavanaugh is attractive?
Happy birthday to my most wonderful sister!! Today we are going to pamper ourselves as we so richly deserve.
Read moreHappy birthday, Daphne.
Warded to Hannah Abbott
Are you going to the Witch Weekly Awards?
Warded to Gryffindor & DA Girls
New sketches! I’ve been really inspired lately for the first time in ages and this weekend I just couldn’t stop designing except when I went swim. What do you think??
Warded to Daphne Greengrass
Are you okay? Sick? You haven’t owled in and we’re all sort of swamped here with the Badger Festival prep so it would be really great if you could make it in soon. I hope you’re not too ill!
She’s going to skive off and I’m going to get stuck doing her work as well as mine and be here until after 9pm again. I bloody hate nepotism.
Who: Veronica Smethley, Alexander Derrick
Where: Roni’s bedsit
When: Evening
Veronica Smethley had a busy day at St Mungo’s and ended up staying later than her shift (clocked out, of course) with a big clean up in the lobby thanks to a patient who couldn’t make it to their floor. So even though she didn’t have class tonight, she was a bit more tired than usual and looking forward to taking a shower and cleaning up.
Apparating back to her bedsit in Helga’s Hill, Roni was greeted by a happy Mystee coming over for some ear scratched.
“Hi, Mystee!” she greeted the bichon-frise, “Have you had your dinner yet? Been out?” Alex seemed to do a lot of the housework but she didn’t ask him to so she was never sure and didn’t want to assume (especially when it came to her dogs belly).
“Hi, Alex!” she called as well.
To: Louisa Macnair
From: “Anonymous,” aka Wayne Hopkins with a Dictaquill
I’m sorry not to be seeing you behind the counter at Quills n Things anymore. It was always the best part of my week.
— An admirer
[Enclosed is a single red rose]
You can all just go ahead and add talented authoress to my long long list of accomplishments, because…
I’m in print! Well, under a pen name, but still!
Read moreI’ve really loved the media that last couple of days. Not sure which article I liked best though. It is a tie between “Wireless Star Mocks Grieving Father to Public Backlash” and “Should Portia Diggle Be Replaced in the Curl & the Flame After Controversial Remarks?”.
Though the talk segments on the wireless with the hysterical girls Flooing in to screech about how they can’t have someone so heartless being their Genevieve have been pretty great, too. Ah, karma.
Read moreI must say, the new boy at Higher Grounds is very sociable. He may have spent more time talking to myself and Amelia than he did serving us coffee. Of which, I must admit, we drank rather a lot. We had to test out the full scope of his coffee-making skills, after all. I think my cappuccino had a bit too much foam, but other than that everything seemed in order.
Read moreParis is inspiring. I feel inspired. Is anyone willing to sell me a large block of marble or a canvas the size of a wall?
Should’ve asked in Paris. I realise my misstep now. When I kind of sort of maybe blurted out the question in the middle of… well. You know. It was on my mind and I guess I got a bit carried away.
But it’s OK. She thought I was joking. At least I think she thought I was joking. Which she must’ve. Because who would ask that, then?
So that’s good. Except not, because I really mean it — just not that particular time — and so what if she thinks I’m taking the piss when I try again?
Maybe I need to let some time pass. This saddens me.
But luckily I have this Curl and Flame zine to cheer me up, and my God, some of the stuff is incredible! Some of it’s very well written, for amateurs. Unbelievably so. And Harmony/Dragul, oh my God. I didn’t know I wanted it till I read it. But what’s up with Raul/Genevieve? No no no no no.
I want to discuss all of this with someone but I don’t know who else has the zine and I’m certainly not going to ask. If only the fans can make themselves apparent. But I still don’t want them to know I’ve read it. This is a dilemma.
I wonder if the zine accepts fanart
I’ve been living on dragon reserves since I was 18. They’re remote by nature and usually have a largely male population. Yet I think the people of Helga’s Hill are more obsessed with porn than anyone I’ve ever met.
Hope this does stay private. It’s getting crowded. But they’re too nice to tell me to leave. Though Verity seems to poke me more and more often. That might be a sign.
Barney and I had a super nice day just the two of us for once yesterday for his birthday and everything was ace, but now one of the ducklings has gone missing and we’re really, really worried!! If you see him, please bring him home!
To: Louisa Macnair
From: “Anonymous,” aka Wayne Hopkins with a Dictaquill
Sweets for the sweet.
— Your admirer
[The note is attached to a small box of fancy chocolate truffles]
Warded to Gwen, Ter, Louisa, Seamus, Tristan, Class of ‘99, Class of ’00, Class of ‘01, DA, Helga’s Heroes… & all of Ben’s other friends
Tristan and I are throwing a SURPRISE PARTY for Ben tonight because it was his birthday and he’s, you know, pretty much the best! Come! Bring food to share and presents for Ben. We’ll provide wine and beer and music and activities.
Seriously, there will be activities. Good ones. And a MOUNTAIN OF CUPCAKES. Tristan has gone all out (I’m not sure she slept last night before she went to work), and she counted them before she left so I couldn’t nick one.
Party theme is BENJAMIN MACNAIR so everything will be Hufflepuff and Puddlemere colors! Try to get here by half six so we can all be in position by seven!
Got back to Puddlemere just in time to learn they’ve given out all their invites to the Witch Weekly Awards already. I whooped. To be honest, award ceremonies have never been my thing and besides, I don’t have a date.
Read moreWarded to Benjamin Macnair
Issy broke the table leg again and you’re better at woodworking charms than either of us. Would you mind coming by tonight to fix it? I’ll feed you supper in exchange. I probably won’t be home until seven though what with everything being so full-on with the festival coming up.
Warded to H98 + Louisa Macnair
So I think I’ve told some of you how Crispin’s got a girlfriend now? Or at least, how Crispin says he’s got a girlfriend now… Because he also says ’she lives in Canada‘ and I thought that was just a thing people said when they want people to think they’ve got a girlfriend.
Well now apparently she’s going to come visit but it’s conveniently going to be when I’m going to be in Italy next month. So what do you think:
Is he going to have a pretend visit from a pretend girlfriend?
Or is she real and they just want to take advantage of me being away so they can have sex on every surface?
Or maybe he just doesn’t want me to meet her and find out she’s half troll?
Either way I’m giving everything a good scourgify when I get back, just in case.
Warded to Louisa Macnair
Oh, guess what? At the cafeteria I overheard that one of the Wizengamot junior clerks just got sacked for sneaking her boyfriend into the courtroom after hours. She’d chained him up in the defendant’s chair and then couldn’t get him out again and had to go to maintenance for help. Anyway the point is, sounds like there’s a spot open. You should apply. And not chain me up when you get it.
One month til Italy!
To: Charlie Weasley
From: Fleur Weasley
Dear Charlie,
As you are, of course, aware, our trés beautiful, brilliant, and charming little Victoire is going to be two in a few weeks. It is still a bit chilly here by the sea and I’m a bit concerned about our darling or one of her little friends catching a cold. I would not like for her to have a wet nose on her special day!
I am thinking that your quaint little village will be a charming place to hold a birthday party. I know that you have not been in town very long, but do you have a suggestion of where we might be able to locate a cake that is good eno that is delicious? I would order one from Paris but Bill feels that is too much.
Thank you, Charlie! All our love from Shell Cottage.
Fleur, Bill & Victoire
To: Percy Weasley
From: Fleur Weasley
Dear Percy,
As you are, I know, aware, our trés lovely, bright, and delightful little Victoire is going to be two in a few weeks. It is still a bit chilly here by the sea and I’m a bit concerned about our darling or one of her little friends catching a cold. I would not like for her to have a wet nose on her special day!
I am thinking that your quaint little village will be a charming place to hold a birthday party. I am hoping that you will be able to help me pick a good location for a party. I know you will pick somewhere that is fun but with the correct numb amount of class. Something fit for our little princesse.
Thank you, Percy! All our love from Shell Cottage.
Fleur, Bill & Victoire
To: George Weasley
From: Fleur Weasley
Dear George,
I am sure you are aware that our trés gorgeous, sharp, and enthralling little Victoire is going to be two in a few weeks. It is still a bit chilly here by the sea and I’m a bit concerned about our darling or one of her little friends catching a cold. I would not like for her to have a wet nose on her special day!
I am thinking that your quaint little village will be a charming place to hold a birthday party. Would you and Verity like to help us with the decorations, please? You two are trés creative and the party should be memorable, no? Nothing to loud or explosive, George, please. Something fit for a princesse!
Thank you, George! All our love from Shell Cottage.
Fleur, Bill & Victoire
I’M BACK! Did you miss me, denizens of Helga’s Hill? (There is only one correct answer to that question, and it doesn’t include the letters N or O.)
So! I find myself in need of entertainment and — according to my aunt — employment, but that one’s easy enough. If Portia Diggle’s going to be fired, I can have her job! After all, I do believe my hair is even more fabulous than hers, and that was the only reason she got the role in the first place, right?
Which brings us back to entertainment — and please, for the love of Rowena, nobody mention the Badger Festival. Is the Grotto still the only place within a fifty mile radius that a girl can go to get properly langered?
Read morePrivate
12.00 — Haircut.
15.00 — Robes fitting.
20.00 — Witch Weekly Awards.
— Arrive late on purpose? (Not really fair to fans.)
Personally I hardly see a difference but Cary came home with that new haircut and suddenly Cecilia has decided she’d rather take him to the Wiggleswade garden party instead of Idris. So well done, Curl Up and Dye! You have achieved. Or was it the other one? Well, I’m sure the responsible parties know who they are.
To: Cary Robards
From: Astoria Greengrass
I like your haircut.
— A
Warded to Helga’s Hill sans Lynn & Dillon
I need out of this house there is a REASON most grown people do not live with their siblings they’re making me so crazy I am loSING ALL GRASP OF GRAMMAR
Anyone know of any one bedroom places available? I’m going to absolutely lose it if I have to live with Lynn and Dillon much longer.
Also, Mam’s picked up do-it-yourself jewelry making as her most recent hobby, so if anyone needs earrings made out of random objects, do let me know. I doubt this phase will last long, so if you want lamp pulls hanging from your ears, act now!
Went home for the weekend to visit my horse and appease my Catholic father by going to mass with him. Dee has trained the damned horse to steal things out of peoples’ pockets, so I came home without my house keys. They’re lost in the muck somewhere. I know I gave a spare key to someone besides Dean, who was it?
Oh and Deano, did you do the dishes this weekend, mate?
Read moreWho: Portia Diggle, Tom Pippin
Where: Witch Weekly 2002 Awards
When: A little before midnight
Portia’s cheeks hurt from smiling. She’d done everything Sasha had asked of her, including a few more contrite words to the press at the start of the evening, and had been on her best behaviour since then. God, it had been boring.
Now, at the after party, she just wanted to knock back the free champagne and bitch. (Did Celestina Warbeck win her award for a lifetime of making people’s ears bleed?) But instead she smiled, and mingled, and smiled some more, and congratulated all the right people — making sure to avoid that cow Abbott the whole time. Portia wondered how long she had to keep this up before she could make an exit. Glancing around the room for someone else to talk to, she caught sight of Tom Pippin standing close by. Ha, maybe not. She’d noticed him flirting with several women over the course of the evening. How desperate could you get?
Who: Hannah Abbott, Blaise Zabini
Where: Witch Weekly 2002 Awards
When: Post-awards reception
To call some of the attendees at this awards ceremony celebrities was stretching the definition of the term about as much as the scanty dresses that clothed the waitresses.
“At least they haven’t skimped on the champagne,” Blaise remarked, relieving one of the servers of a couple of glasses. He passed one to Hannah with a sly smile. “If they had, I’m not sure I could survive all the empty tosh that some people are coming out with. I might have to do something drastic.”
Warded to Portia Diggle
Well congratulations, hero of the hour. You may have just saved your career.
Attempted murder among the stars?
Partygoer Tom Pippin saved from strangling at star-studded bash by Portia Diggle.
Can it be a coincidence that Xavier Orpington died the same way and that Tom Pippin is also from Helga’s Hill?
garroting. strangulation. asphyxiation.
this has happened before. last night’s incident wasn’t fatal, but it was a matter of mere minutes. the similarities are striking. to write them off as coincidence is unwise.
In other news, it sounds like there was more drama at Witch Weekly’s awards than an episode of TC&TF. There I was stuck at work. Not that I’d have ever got an invite, but still.
Warded to Tom Pippin
Are you alright?
I don’t know who it was.
But I think if the Prophet had done their research properly they’d be able to unequivocally rule out my ex-wife. Numb skulls.
Kind of apprehensive about Alfie coming over next weekend, especially if my assailant hasn’t been caught yet. But I can’t exactly tell Angela the visit is off because someone tried to kill me. She’s jumpy enough about wizards, if I told her that I’ll never see Alfie again.
Captain Jack Sparroweater has the right idea — dozing off on benches is for springtime, not the dead of winter! But I didn’t catch cold so I suppose it wasn’t so bad.
Here’s hoping I don’t have to search for a place to live again any time soon. On the other hand, success is mine. It will just be a few days until I can move in. Not that I have a lot to move in the first place.
Where do people buy beds?
Warded to Percy Weasley
I have a favour to ask. I get the keys to my new place on the 1st. Can I crash at yours until then? George’s couch is surprisingly comfortable, but that place is just too small for three adults, especially when it’s being taken over by baby stuff. It’ll just be me and a couple of trunks. I even clean up after myself.
To: Louisa Macnair
From: “Anonymous,” aka Wayne Hopkins with a Dictaquill
A gift from your admirer
[The note is attached to a small box that holds an elegant quill pen in a shade of purple that precisely matches the robes of the Wizengamot.]
Warded to Susan Bones
I know you’ve got bigger, more important things going on right now… but is there any chance I can complain about my stupid personal life?
Warded to Felicity Eastchurch
Um… I think I have a stalker? I mean, he says he’s a secret admirer but it’s getting kind of creepy now. He clearly knows enough about me that he must know I have a boyfriend, so I don’t know what the point of sending me gifts is.
Today Frankie and I are selling biscuits! We might come to your door so you can buy some!
Daddy says to say that he will be with us the whole time.
Read moreOne week to go until the Badger Festival! The last couple of months have been hectic, especially given recent events, but everything’s together now and I simply can’t wait.
So, what can you expect from the Heaven Scent stall? Well, we’re bringing back our festival products from last year (badger bath bombs, anyone?) and I’ve also concocted some new ones, of course. I’m particularly fond of It’s A Spring Thing shampoo, inspired by some of my dearest friends, which will give you perfectly curly locks without the need for charms, and lasts until you wash your hair again with normal shampoo. I’ve also finally perfected my new Mayday! Miracle Cleanser. (And a huge thank you to all the lovely people who tested it — I appreciate how hard it must have been to stay out so late drinking and partying!) It will instantly banish dark circles and make your tired skin glow, so it’s perfect for using the morning after a long night, like if you’ve been sat up all night comforting a little girl who keeps having nightmares because
Sorry, I lost my train of thought.
Anyway! The Badger Festival. Be there or be… somewhere else, but if you’re somewhere else you won’t be having nearly as much fun.
Read moreWho: Romilda Vane, Taliesyn Robards
Where: The Spinks/Robards place
When: Evening
It was a couple of weeks later and Taliesyn felt brave enough to try again. Still, it was often helpful to recite one’s plans aloud, to make sure every detail was perfect and nothing overlooked, but to avoid talking to himself he used Watson as a sounding board.
“So, I’ve made dinner — yes, Watson, I know you recognise that word, it’s not for you, calm down — it’s for Romilda. It’s a throwback to that very first meal I made for her, that Sunday lunch. That’s kind of sweet, isn’t it?”
Thanks everyone who came to my party. It was… well, it was definitely a surprise! I didn’t know so many of you had yellow dresses, it made me feel like maybe I should have one as well. Not sure it would suit me, though. And all those cupcakes! I ate so many, I couldn’t even be tempted by the Wee Witch biscuits a couple of days ago. Well, not more than a few boxes, anyway.
Read moreBlaise, it just isn’t nice to make a lady drink alone.
Read moreOh right, I meant to post in this. Hi everyone. I’m staying with Seamus for a bit — and by a bit I mean until he gets fed up with me and kicks me out. I quite like Helga’s Hill, though, now Orpington isn’t around so I got a job here. You are looking at — well reading the journal of — the new delivery boy at Angelo’s Pizza! No longer do you need to get perved at by Angelo — instead, you can get perved at by me through a fireplace! Alright, fine, I won’t gawk, I’ll just deliver your pizza by floo and leave. You know, it’s pretty good pizza. You could do worse. If I say pizza enough, maybe you won’t be able to get it out of your head and you’ll order pizza tonight. Pizza pizza pizza.
Moving house is more stressful than I remember. It’s interesting, though, to see what I have accumulated since I first moved to Helga’s Hill.
I started packing my records earlier, but I seem to have spent the last hour reorganising my collection after I realised that I had let it slip out of alphabetical order over the last few months.
Read moreSkipping town after the Witch Weekly event maybe wouldn’t be that suspicious if it weren’t for the part where I saw Zabini staring at Tom like he was doing nonverbal magic.
Right before Tom started choking.
Read moreWarded to Gwen & Eloise
I know it’s the weekend and I’m really sorry to bother you at this time but I really, really need your help.
Warded to Terence, Barney, Stella, George, & Verity
I can’t believe I’m writing this, but Tali just basically admitted to me that he’s planning to propose to Romilda. As in, has already purchased a ring.
That’s insane, right? They’ve been dating for about ten seconds! I mean, I know Ter and I were together on-and-off for seven years before we got engaged and that’s longer than usual, and you guys are all more along those lines, too, but, still, isn’t this a bit fast? By any standard?
There is no way they’re past the honeymoon period yet. What’s he going to do when suddenly everything she does makes him nuts? (I love you, darling, but you know you can make me batshit.)
Warded to Percy Weasley
Percy, I was wondering if I could cook you dinner to thank you for all the support you’ve given me over the last few months? Maybe sometime this week?
But… do you think I could use your kitchen to do it? My dad is a bit house is a bit crowded. I know that it’s not very good to start off a thank you with an imposition, but I’m hoping you’ll forgive me…
Warded to Wayne Hopkins
Do you want to tell me exactly what you’re playing at by terrifying your girlfriend and making her think someone is stalking her? What is wrong with you?
Warded to Louisa Macnair
I’m sorry. It was me sending those owls and Felicity told me you were upset and I never meant to scare you. I guess I just thought… well, I told you I’m not any good at pranks.
I’m sorry your boyfriend’s such a
So I’m sorry if I freaked you out. Are you OK?
Who: Sasha Capper, Ernie Macmillan
Where: The cloakroom at the Glass Slipper
When: Evening
Sasha probably ought to be more ashamed of herself than she was for hiding in the cloakroom with a bottle of champagne during her mentor’s birthday celebration. She wasn’t a Gryffindor, so why should she judge herself for a bit of well-placed cowardice? Val had insisted on joining her tonight, and then he’d insisted that they needed to finally (finally) set a date for their wedding and she felt warranted whatever behavior pleased her.
Bringing it up at a public event where he thought she couldn’t run away seemed incredibly rude to Sasha. So she had run away. To the cloakroom. With the intention of getting utterly smashed on bubbles as that was the only kind of alcohol she could get a real blackout effect from without killing herself of alcohol poisoning first.
Bloody Russian constitution.
Curl & Flame authors to make big announcement
Harold and Cynthia Hopkins will be spilling the beans in the coming week
But what is their big secret? Read our predictions on page 17!
Looks like J Pippin’s will be opening a little late this morning. Some tosser unknown person decided to break into the shop last night.
In this town ’giving statements to Hit Wizards’ could practically be a hobby.
Read moreAnyone know who stole all those sedatives? I could really use one.
Alternately, if anyone has a regular old sleeping potion… it’s insomnia city over here.
Read moreWarded to Isolde Montgomery
I need out of the house for a bit. Interested in going up to Ireland with me for a couple hours? The horse feels neglected.
Warded to Daphne Greengrass
It would appear that I ended my engagement last night. My head. My fucking head.
Warded to Ernie Macmillan
Um. Hello.
Warded to Charlie Weasley
I don’t know if you have any plans for tomorrow evening, but it might be helpful if you did. A friend is coming over to cook dinner and I don’t want her to feel obligated to feed you too.
For everyone asking me what my parents’ announcement is: yes, I know what it will be, and no, I can’t tell you. Well, I could, but I won’t.
Although you’re welcome to continue plying me with alcohol and petty bribes in an attempt to find out. I was very popular at the Leaky Cauldron last night.
Read moreWarded to Taliesyn Robards
I took Watson out for a walk today because he seemed kind of fidgety, and while I was being a responsible poop-scooper I couldn’t help noticing something.
Brace yourself.
I think Watson may be moonlighting as a jewel thief.
I’ve got hours and hours and hours to kill while stuck in one place. Is this what havong a real job is like? No wonder you’re all dying to go on holiday. Psst, I recommend Terror Tours.
It could be worse, I guess. At least I have this to communicate with. My brother handed it over and made me promise I would not read whatever juicy secrets are contained within. Considering he’s done nothing to prevent me from doing so (if I just flick a few pages…) I am incredibly honoured by the trust he has in me and I won’t let him down.
Then again, I do have hours and hours to kill…
Read moreToday I found out that ‘gestational diabetes’ is Healer-speak for ’now you can’t have coffee or Wee Witch biscuits’.
Life is devoid of meaning.
Someone give me purpose.
Surely some single person desperately needs me to find them their one true love or something.
Read moreWho: Audrey Singh, Percy Weasley
Where: Percy’s place
When: Evening
Audrey was very nervous. She wasn’t nervous about being alone in a man’s flat with him, as it was impossible to imagine that Percy had any intention of taking advantage of her. She wasn’t even nervous that her father was going to find out that she wasn’t at Sally-Anne’s and come hunt them down, because why would he suddenly be suspicious of her millionth or so evening at her best friend’s house?
No, Audrey was nervous that the food wasn’t going to be good.
She’d spent days planning the menu and had maybe gone a bit overboard. Three appetizers, three types of bread, four curries, rice, dessert, and a multitude of homemade chutneys was definitely too much food for two people. But Audrey had never made dinner for a person she fancied before and she hadn’t wanted to accidentally not make the perfect thing!
Warded to Wicks & Katie
Don’t panic but I just found Wendy’s been hurt. Not serious I think. Meet me at St Mungo’s.