Owl Post

18 September 2001

To: Astoria Greengrass
From: Cary Robards

Cary Robards


How’s life? Want to go out with me?


Dear Cary,

Life’s not very good. I quit my job the other day. It was very dull but so is not having a job.

Go out with you where? I’m not supposed to see you. I’m a bad influence apparently.


Astoria Greengrass
Cary Robards


Tough break.

Go out, dating. Food, drink, maybe some other leisure activity, kissing.


Oh. Really?

Can I think about it?

I’ve never dated anyone before.

Astoria Greengrass
Cary Robards


No place to start like the present, then.



Are you only asking me out because your mother said we shouldn’t see each other? Because I can’t say you’ve demonstrated very much interest before.


Astoria Greengrass
Cary Robards


Why does that matter? Unless you have love at first sight most people demonstrate no interest till one day they do.


So it is the only reason? Because if it’s the only reason I don’t know if that’s a good enough reason for me.


Astoria Greengrass
Cary Robards


No, it’s not the only reason.



Alright, then. When would you like to take me out?


Astoria Greengrass
Cary Robards


Let’s go now.


No, I need time to get ready! An hour? Where are we going?


Astoria Greengrass
Cary Robards


London. I’ll pick you up because maybe you shouldn’t be seen around the house just yet. You can come as you are.


Read original thread