Daily Prophet

20 August 2001


It’s official, ladies and gentleman! The WWN has finally cast their leading lady for the wireless adaptation of Harold & Cynthia Hopkins’ incredibly steamy The Curl & the Flame series! The brilliant and sensual Harmony will be played by the sweetheart of Quidditch herself, Tutshill’s own Stella Chambers!

This is a step out of her comfort zone for the Chaser, who has never appeared on the wireless as anyone but herself. However, with her charm, wit, good looks, and bubbly personality, we’re positive that Chambers is up to the challenge.

“She’s definitely everything we were looking for when casting Harmony,” says the serial’s director, Baldwin Baddock. “She’s sexy, she’s fierce, she’s fearless, and she practically lit the sound equipment on fire with her first audition. Stella is definitely more than just an amazing Quidditch player. She’s a genuinely excellent little actress.”

“She’s perfect!” adds Cynthia Hopkins when questioned about the casting choice. “Harold and I really feel she brings the sex appeal that the role of Harmony demands! We can’t wait to hear her bring our fantasy to life.”

High praise indeed!

And not to fear Tutshill fans, you won’t be losing your favourite Chaser anytime soon. Chambers intends to balance acting with her already demanding Quidditch career.

“I love playing Quidditch for Tutshill and that’s never going to change,” she told the Prophet exclusively. “But when this opportunity came along, I couldn’t say no!

I’m so grateful to my coaches, everyone at the WWN, my teammates, my family, and my boyfriend for being willing to make this hectic new schedule and lifestyle work! And, of course, I’m grateful for the amazing support that I’ve always received from my fabulous fans! This is going to be an exciting new adventure!”

And we’re all excited to see the adventure unfold.

Who will the WWN cast next? We’re dying to know who is going to play the devastatingly sexy Raul. And if Chambers’ aforementioned boyfriend will be jealous of their steamy scenes…

Stella Chambers

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